Maddy Sunshine



6 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info




Daycare Owner, Nurse, Mother

Relationship Status:

Single, Not Looking

Mother of:

Fay Sunshine




300+ lbs / 136+ kg


6 ft / 183 cm


Red Fox


I am not trying to be picky, this character is extremely important and personal to me and certain details being incorrect makes me very uncomfortable having the art exist in that state. I'm going to use this so I don't have to remind people over and over about something that needs to be taken into consideration. If something is wrong in the commission from what is listed here I will ask for an edit, it should be on you to make sure my character is right, not me. Truly she's not complicated at all, just specific.

Details - [NSFW details under spoilers]
-The first image in the gallery is the main reference, used for color picking and clear details as well as body shape. The following four are primary examples of body shape or expression. She has a motherly, enthusiastic personality, let this influence how you draw her pose and expression if no specific example is given.

-She is FATPlease do NOT draw her as anything else. I can't express this enough, this is one of the main reasons she exists in the first place as a body goal. Her breasts are large (M cup), and this should still be accounted for even in SFW art of her. She is upwards of 300 lbs. While being heavy she is not out of shape at all. 

-There are two dots on her left leg, those are always there and always on the front upper thigh/lower shin. Shape doesn't matter, but the size of the one on top is larger than on the bottom. They are both the same color as the tip of her tail/ears. 

-Details on the LEFT side of her body are BLUE, while details on the RIGHT side of her body are RED. The only exception to this are her claws, which are the reverse color and painted on. Her eyes are either the same or a slightly darker shade than her paws, as well as her tongue and the inside of her mouth. (While unlikely to be used, the color of her skin beneath her fur is a vitiligo-like pattern of light blue and light pink, with each color favoring one side of her body. Exact pattern does not matter but the skin around certain colored features should correspond with the features already there, like her paws and eyes).

-Her vagina is completely blue while her anus is red, both darker shades of her paws. The nipples on her breasts have large areola that cover almost the whole breast, and all nipples are a lighter shade of the paws. She can lactate but only from her breasts and not from her tummy nipples (unless specified otherwise). 

-She does not wear long pants, EVER. Her shorts/underwear are usually a dark gray but can be split dark blue/red, and the most common outfit is her gray jacket and just underwear. Other shirts available are on the examples. While she is wearing her jacket she is not wearing a shirt, and may not be wearing a bra depending on context.

-The tail should be JUST AS BIG, if not BIGGER than her body, although it is mostly just fur. The two large stripes on her tail fade from yellow to dark brown, the brown getting more intense the further down the tail, and the tip stripe of her tail is completely dark brown.

-She has PAWS. Her hands are capable of grabbing, but are not human-shaped for the most part, her palms have the same off-white fur as her chest/belly. The same applies for her feet, but the legs are plantigrade, and her soles only have yellow fur, not white.

-She has freckles on the edge of her snout and on her cheeks, the same color as the tip of her tail/ears. Amount and size do not matter. She may or may not have a peach-colored blush on her cheeks.

-Her hair does not have a defined style, but she must have bangs and the hair must go down to below her shoulders. Her ears may or may not curl slightly at the tips, the inner ears are pink while the tufts inside are the same white as her chest.

-Pubic hair can be drawn if not otherwise specified, the same color as her hair. It covers her pits and the entirety of her crotch/around her vagina, as well as travelling up her belly to her navel. The pubic hair is dense but still has flow (She brushes it regularly).

If there are any other detail concerns, please ask me! I will give my best explanation or example.