Winterhawk's Comments

I'd love, to have them as a companion to <3 

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I just love his design and would love to make him my main wof character. I'll love use him to rp as in the servers im in. He'll also become a part of my friend's own wof main oc's story.

Name: Winterhawk

Gender: Male

Tribe: Icewing

Age: 40

Occupation: General 

Animus: No

Personality: Winterhawk is a very gruff and abrasive icewing general, wanting  only the best of his fellow guards. He has great respect and loyalty towards the queen and will protect her with his life, she is his older sister after all. When alone with friends his whole personality changes. He becomes very gentle and wise often offering advise for them and spending time talking with them. He doesn't want to only be seen as cold hearted and unforgiving.

Bio: Winterhawk is a large and powerful icewing general, he is of royal blood but doesn't talk or really feel like he is. He was born from queen Aurora and her mate Fulmar, along with his older sister Frostflower. Winterhawk and his sister have a close sibling bond with eachother despite growing up for two very different lives and having different personalities from eachother. Growing up to be a soldier well general now wasn't as easy as he'd thought it'll be. As he was held at higher expectations and was expected to lead by example with him being born from the queen. This made Winterhawk into the abrasive and harsh icewing that he is today.

Winterhawk went up the ranks rather quickly not only from his large and powerful stature but also from how intelligent and cunning he is. He's not all brawn and no brains. The story of how he got his amulet and his scars for that matter, is a close one to his heart. It was his mother's who gave it to him in the time of her passing after a treaty gone wrong. He with many other icewing soldiers were escorting the queen to talk about negotiations and a possible treaty with the sandwings, as they were constantly fighting and having skirmishes with one another. All went well at the actual meeting but after leaving to return to the kingdom they were attacked. It was a harsh and fierce battle with casualties on both sides, towards the end he and a few others were getting pushed away from the queen and didn't know it until it was too late. She was struck down and killed by a large sandwing and they (the sandwings) retreated soon after that. Winterhawk was devastated and quickly flew down to her to be by her side in her final moments, where she then gave him her amulet and said that she was proud of him and his sister. He is now never seen without his prized amulet and holds a deep hatred for sandwings and has swore revenge towards them

Hehe sorry if this is too long, I kinda got put into the zone, when writing for him. 

Name: Winterhawk

Gender: Male

Species: Icewing

Sexuality: Straight 

Age: Unknown 

Personality: Strong headed, can be aggressive, strong willed

Abilities/Mutations: None

Strengths: Physical strength, intelligence

Weaknesses: Body size, can be self centered, temper

Backstory: Winterhawk, a strong powerful icewing feared by many. His parents both iceiwngs had him in a snowstorm. His egg got swept up but a powerful gust and hit the ice leaving a Crack in his shell. They feared that their unmatched dragonet would not survive, however he did. He came into the world strong and healthy, but he had a small tear in his wing. Seeing this his parents were worried that he would be unabke to fly or would bave issues flying. He showed them all that even with a few tears, he can fly with no issues. He got bullied a lot by the other dragonets, but due to his size he wasn't very threatened and retaliated to the bullying. As he grew older, he got into many fights and has the scars to show it. He has lost one battle before but the others he was victorious. He became a very skilled fighter and many didn't dare challenge him. 

Small back story for him!

He would be paired with one of my other feisty icewings who is a very feared warrior. I would love to wrote a story about those two and further develope winterhawk!

He definitely be part of my wof story that's being work on ! No only that but I think ice wings are cool and designed them is hard!  Dude to one of my Ocs attack an ice wing I think he be cool in some part if the story for that. Over time he will part of a friend ground mostly an solo but he be dope. 

Would 100% keep the name. It be fun trying to draw an ice wing and leaen to improve on them. I'll probably mess around with them just to get the rigth idea and attach more to then.

Hi ! I'm really interested

I have a roleplay for him, and WoF friends ! 

He also could be my Main WoF, and a really good friend with Cocoa, my WoF sona

Btw I can do a bio if you want, but I think he could be the cousin of Coconut (the design is a WIP)