Vidimus's Comments

I love this character's design! Also, when translated from Latin, the name means "we see" which is pretty cool and fits nicely with the design since the head/light seems multi-faceted :)

Hello, I hope you don't mind me asking but do you by any chance do pings? If so may I be pinged if this character ever goes up for sale/you consider offers?

Thank you so much in advance. I hope you have a fantastic rest of your day/night.

Love them so much, and also Idk why but the name fits so well!

Thank you! A vidimus is the draft sketch of a stained glass design, which felt like the perfect name to me!


i am so in love with the reflective light of the face's stained glass... 

Woah they're super pretty :00

CONGRATS OMG!! If you do pings/anything I'd love to be on it! Ty tho

Can I offer? X3 <3

Omg they are the most gorgeous characters I’ve ever seeenn!!!! Whoever gets them is so lucky!

Creative & pretty! Love the colors.

Holy moly you’ve outdone yourself worth this design, it’s gorgeous!

Ahh, if only I could offer. Absolutely beautiful design ! I’ve wanted to make a stained glass design for a while so it’s cool to see !