Paul Renato



8 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info

Real Name

Rene Gilmyre


Paulton "Paul" Renato, The Assassin King


Late 40's


Formerly Rebel, Farmer, ???, currently Wanderer


Swordplay, Martial Arts, Stealth, Fieldcraft, Tactics, Wind Magic, First Aid, many others


[deceased older brother]


An infamous martial artist and former warlord. He is a pretty chill guy until someone threatens what he loves, at which point heads will explode. A lot of people want him dead, and for very good reasons.

His fighting style, popularly known as Twin Steel Fang, is best remembered as a dual-sword style, although he is very flexible about what he carries (or even being unarmed). 

He is also an expert at magically manipulating wind. This allows him to track by scent or sound, and at moving silently by muffling the sounds of his movement. He can also sense large or fast movements by detecting changes in air pressure. He is well known for an unarmed "signature technique", which others have named "The Breath Puncture" as he rapidly expands the air in a person's sinus, throat and ear canal, causing messy and explosive results to the upper body in general. It isn't exactly a signature technique because he rarely does it, but it really stays in people's imaginations when it does happen.

Paul does not care for fancy names, so the names for his fighting style and techniques come from other people. He has a strange, calm demeanor, mostly powered by a sense of resignation to whatever fate has in store for him. He has done some horrid things during decades of war and battle, but you'd never know it by just looking at him. He's not intimidating at all until he starts fighting.

HIs epithet "Assassin King" sounds badass, but it is *not* a compliment. 

Visual notes:

*He is late-middle-aged, dark-skinned and muscular.

*His weapons can look like whatever. He breaks and replaces swords pretty much non-stop.