


6 years, 7 months ago




Obtained: Made by me, 29/10/17
Status: Active
Worth: Not for sale
Notes: Has gills that are hidden by his top usually
Creator: gracedragon
Layout by Jayden   •   Image by Unknown


Responsible • Analytical • Decisive • Honest • Judgemental
NameDodgerHomeThe City of Mistral
Age17 at start (same age as _WBY and JNPR)OccupationHunter in training at Haven Academy
SpeciesFaunus - Stoplight LoosejawVoice
RelationshipSingleSongSong Link
AlignmentLawful GoodMBTIISTJ-A

Aura Colour: Dodger Blue
Semblance: He can slow time relative to himself (by a half at maximum), making it easier for him to spot things and predict his opponents moves. This also makes him seem to be faster so most believe his semblance is speed

Dodger, unlike his twin, seems to be a very responsible young man, always being the one to organise everyone, and to take charge when he is needed to. He is overly organised, with all of his things laid out in a practical and logical manner, in order to make things easy to find when he needs them.
He’s dedicated to his goal of becoming a Huntsman, often making the decisions that will further his advancement in a heartbeat. He is also very much driven by logic rather than by his heart, though there have been a few times where his heart has won out.
He’s honest, and will tell the truth whenever he can, but that combined with his judgemental nature can often lead to him making enemies when he points out the flaws of others with seemingly no care for their well-being.
With his overly analytical nature, he often struggles to understand people that rush into battle headfirst, looking down on them as though they are inferior to him.
Underneath all of this he is a caring person, holding his family and his team close to his heart. He will do anything to protect them, even if he doesn’t quite understand them fully, and would likely die trying if he couldn’t help them.

Dodgerwas born to a faunus man, Crimson, and a human woman named Heather, though his father never knew he or his twin sister, Farra, existed. His father had left the city of Mistral wanting to join with the white fang against Heather’s wishes. Heather raised Dodger and Farra as well as she could.
Though Farra and Dodger were polar opposites, they were near inseparable as children, right up until Dodger developed an intense desire to train to become a hunter. He unlocked his semblance at a young age and was praised by many, and grew slightly apart from Farra. For a short while he hated Farra for not unlocking her semblance as he didn’t understand why she didn’t want to join him, but with her support they grew closer again.
Dodger opted to start training to be a huntsman, wanting to protect everyone from the Grimm as best as he could, though as he was training he noticed that Farra wasn’t involving herself in her usual activities.
He’s worried about Farra a lot, but doesn’t know how to approach the situation, and has instead allowed her to sneak into his room at night, just so he knows she’s safe.