[TBND] nightburst drake



2 years, 7 months ago


An elusive, graceful baishouren—the embodiment of the wisdom of a great ancient forest straddling a scar that bridges the physical world and the realm of the spirits, a wondrous place perpetually swathed by nightfall and set aglow by the sort of supernatural creatures that xinlingren scribes can only dream about as they study their sacred scrolls. She serves as its guardian, protecting it from both the encroachment of rapacious explorers as well as the depredations of the heiyao.

Not only does her remit require her to fend off mundane opponents, she is also responsible for keeping the metaphysical scar between the realms sealed. The mystical flame she carries upon her back represents the only point along that scar through which malign spirits may cross. Any who try must contend with her, and few can elude her grasp or withstand her anger. When necessary, this flame can be briefly relinquished to a sacred lantern under the custodianship of her friends, allowing her a respite.

She is mischievous and cunning, playful but sometimes a little overly willing to mislead or obfuscate. To those opponents who think (falsely) that they can outsmart her she is quite happy to respond in kind—stalking them through the woods, toying with them, and drawing out their demise even when a more direct approach would have sealed her victory. She definitely does not welcome outsiders into her forest, and would rather they run away and spread terrifying rumors about a dark bloodthirsty presence within its reaches if that will keep would-be foes away.

In more recent ages she has learned how to encase herself within a construct of living felwood that she can grow around herself at will, erupting from the ground around her and entwining itself around her body. This 'shell' allows her to fight the space warships of her enemies on equal footing, protecting her from their weapons and allowing her to work her innate liliu to fearsome effect. She has, on at least one occasion, rammed this construct into her opponent's flagship, disentangled herself from her shell, fought her way to the bridge, and confronted him in person.