Takara Sutaringu



2 years, 4 months ago


name: Takara Sutāringu
Height: 5′8″
Class: 3-B
Favorite food: Sweet n Sour Chicken
Hated Food: Cotton Candy
Best Subject: Magical Analysis
Club: Mountain Appreciation club….typically though flies to the top and just sits at the ‘destination point’ not doing much.
Fun Fact: Got kicked out of Magishift because he kept hurting players intentionally and breaking ribs with his kicks when they wanted to say shit to him.
Unique Magic: Birds of A Feather
Can Temporarily take someone's power to use it. Must be in a certain Radius. Must know about the power beforehand or accurately estimate it to use it.  

In day to day classes people just assumes hes a snobby pretty bird that should have been in Pomefiore when he doesn’t conform to social etiquette of smiling and nodding and saying chirped greetings and instead looking dead at them in silence which they perceive to be superficial judgement. 

However it’s less about judgement than he is always reading people, hes trying to understand them, watching their movements, their actions, their expressions. He more so examines people than think of them fully as people even if he knows they’re people and already preemptively has some thoughts on them even if he hasn’t really spoken to them just from what they display.  He also listens to a lot of analytical podcasts and videos picking into people and psyches.

He usually just sits in class, answering questions, sometimes raising his hand, acting a normal student even though he really doesn’t talk a lot but if no ones going to answer he might as well to move this on.

‘Why should they have to know people if they dont talk to them?’, ‘Why is it relevant if they go to the same school and might just be in the same class?’ and ‘They dont talk to eachother so why should they know their name?’ Is his typical justification for how he rarely knows anyone by name as he’s scarce in interactions and typically hermits himself away, flying up high and watching from above especially when back in Savanaclaw always rarely found and off in the skies and heights. 

One thing he really hates [is jealous of] is seeing people being so happy and interacting closely, especially if its people hes more prone to watching but he knows he doesn’t have any right to being upset about it. He doesn’t do anything to reach out and make friends, why would he deserve to same thing
still burns like acid eating his throat though.

Takara does want company, he does want companionship but dealing with people, its just so much. So many people don’t understand him but he makes it so hard for them to be genuinely close so of course they don’t understand him how he wants and hes quite self aware on these facts and it makes him angrier because its the fact of knowing the problem but not wanting to go through and find a solution because that means admitting ‘defeat’ almost and also that just changing on a whim is scary, people will point out things you’re doing different and he doesn’t want to deal with a conversation like that.
Hes unfortunately self aware of his fallacies but is so stubborn in changing and more so bottles things up and shoves feelings down so unwilling to confront them because of his pride and envy.


Takara was raised with his single mother that mostly worked and he knows she was just trying to provide for them. Sometimes it felt like more like a sister that was trying to hold down the fort than a full mother to Takara.
He didn’t feel very close to her but he knows shes trying her best and that she loves him. He often feels very conflicted over this and generally he doesn’t know how to view his mother fully but he genuinely appreciates what she’s done for him and that there just wasn’t much time if they wanted a good place to live and food to eat.  

He didn’t want to cause a fuss or trouble when he was young, so he just sat and behaved really but also he just doesn’t look to cause any problems necessarily so to his mother, he might have been a bit snarky at times he really just seemed like a good kid that more so has inside hobbies. 

Takara would put his mothers wants and feelings above his own and generally didn’t ask for anything because he didn’t want to put a strain on any money and generally spoke up though and pointing something out that would look nice on his mother or if it was something his mother liked to eat like, hey, maybe treat yourself.

Thoughts on some canon characters

Malleus: Recognizes Malleus is quite attractive and thinks the horns are just very handsome but he isn’t much interested in him besides from appearances but he does kind of have a half hope, half wonder, if Malleus would understand how he feels being so separate from most. Though to be honest, he probably then just thinks that Malleus, ‘well hes always surrounded by people, surely hes made them his friends’. The little vice dormleader is certainly chummy, and the fanboy certainly is always singing his praises, and silver well hes there. His feelings can turn from him thinking maybe Malleus would feel like he does but then he nips that idyllic thinking and immediately its like poison of even considering to relate to someone. 

Riddle: He’s watched Riddle feeling semi catharsis from watching him chew others out and getting angry, like a proxy he can kind of self imprint on
But also sometimes he hears riddles rants and its just like, jeez get over it what a useless thing to yell about.

Vil and Rook: Takara really dislikes Vil, but he keeps watching Rook. Vil has commented on his looks a lot and mistakenly assumes 'Well youre clearly interested in Pomefiore certainly, you keep looking over here. You really shouldn’t be out there in that dry air …, I could always say a good word to Crowley for you when you want to switch dorms.“ and meanwhile Hes just internally completely repulsed by vil being close to him, he doesn’t like Vils personality in the slightest he just shrugs though saying "Not interested” before trying to leave.
meanwhile the reason he likes looking at Rook is because hes very wholly himself even if its kind of clear he doesn’t say facts about himself, he acts full on his dramatic tendencies and its…fun to watch. He wonders how it feels doing all that energetic action. 

Crewel: He probably is wary of Crewel i think because Crewel will tell him if hes doing horrible and damn that’s a blow to the ego. So theres a lot of internal spite about that.

How Takara was conceived as a character:
Takara has a lot to him in his initial conception that rings a lot of my feelings because he was based upon that depressive and self isolating rut and sharp envy you feel like acid in the back of your throat seeing others doing what you can’t in especially relationships.