


2 years, 4 months ago


Silas Sideris


Name Silas/ Chaos

DeityBad Luck 'Chuck'

Age 20

Birthday June 12th

Gender Male

Pronouns He/ They

Species Human

Height 5'7"

Orientation Bisexual

Occupation None



Silas is the vessel for a deity of chaos and bad luck. While his deity doesn't necessarily have a true given name, most call them simply Chaos or Bad Luck when referring to them, though they insist that they should be called Chuck, a combination of those two.

Chaos can take control of Silas' body whenever they want and without warning, leading to much frustration from Silas. When in control they tend to be unintentionally self destructive and often gets into trouble. They like messing with people to try getting a reaction. When they get too much Silas has found that promising to play music for them can get them to calm down and let him take control again.

People in the city know little bad things tend to happen around him as a sort of passive aura of influence from his deity, so many try to avoid him where possible. He's asked, it can't be turned off. He just has to live with it.


  • Music (Writing, performing)
  • Peace and quiet
  • Walking
  • Sweet food


  • Hot weather
  • Birds
  • Cheap things
  • Rain


Silas both enjoys spending time alone practicing his music and doing other various things he likes, and being in front of a crowd or going out with friends. It just depends on his mood at the time, though typically he leans towards wanting to be alone, especially after Chaos turned up. 

Because of the fact that he was raised among high nobility and tended to be given whatever he wanted growing up, he can be, at times, impatient, demanding and gets easily frustrated when things don't exactly go his way. He always needs the best instruments and tools; shoddy or cheap just won't do. He's not one to care too much about fashion however, and prefers comfort over appearance. He doesn't feel like he needs to dress and look fancy for people to take him seriously.

It was quite the wakeup call when Chaos arrived and people started avoiding him and began thinking less of him, leading to him having to, with much pain, figure out how to do things on his own for once. 


Early Life

Before he was born, his family worked in a small town in a family shop. When he arrived and it was revealed he was a vessel, their family was immediately moved to the capital where he could be raised into a position that would be suitable for a deity. It wasn't known which one until later in his life, but generally when the glowing marks turned up it was assumed they would be helpful in some way. 

Childhood/ Teen years

As he grew up, mainly in private tutoring, he took an immediate interest in music and spent most of his teenage years practicing and learning how to play and write music, it was his main passion. Everyone tended to agree he was talented. 

Through the years he made several friends, mostly among other nobility, and even occasionally mingled with royalty. He was often invited to gatherings to perform, much to everyone's delight. His family would probably describe his life as perfect, even a dream. Though his family had always lived in small insignificant towns among farmers and peasants, their son had very easily gained the disposition of nobility, both the positives and negatives, and quickly was able to fit in. 

Later teens/ Young adult

As soon as it was revealed who exactly his deity was, things quickly fell apart around him. Some of his less loyal friends started to avoid him, seeing that unfortunate things would tend to happen to them if they stayed around Silas, and many started looking at him with pity rather than pride.

He was mad early on when he started noticing people actively avoiding him, at times absolutely livid with his situation. It took a good few years for him to even start getting used to the presence of Chaos, though he certainly doesn't like them yet, blaming them for most of his problems.

Tired of everything, figuring nobody would miss him if he disappeared, he's begun planning to leave the capital alone to go on the trip he's always wanted to. Being essentially immune to bad luck, he figures it'll be a simple trip.