Asuka Mittsume



6 years, 10 months ago


Asuka Mittsume

Daughter of a Tengu and a Triclops

Age: 15

Killer Style: I adore colorful accessories! The decora fashion style is perfect for me.

Freaky Flaw: I'll get so excited that I shriek loud and high pitched like a bird. It's embarrassing and I feel so bad hurting monsters' ears.

Favorite Color: I can't pick just one!

Favorite Food: Spicy tuna sushi roll

Biggest Pet Peeve: My papa can really get on my nerves sometimes. He doesn't get my style and he's always telling me to change into boring robes.

Favorite Activity: Doing nail art! My hands need to match how cute and decorated the rest of me is.

Pet: A little Komainu pup with three eyes, just like me!

Favorite School Subject: Dead Languages. I want to travel one day so I better learn other languages.

Least Favorite School Subject: Musick because we only learn the old traditional songs. They're boring!

Personality: Asuka is very excitable and cheerful. She loves all things colorful and "kawaii" including clothes, makeup, toys, and shoes. Her favorite hobby is doing nail art and she has a large collection of nail polishes and various tools to help her make her miniature masterpieces. She posts regularly on her monstergram page with photos of her latest nail art creations.