Galwen Axys



2 years, 5 months ago


Name: Galwen Axys

Age: 29 maybe…?

Gender: Bigender

Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them

SO: Bisexual or Homosexual 



Random Info: 

Adores pups/children and are very caretaking. He can be quite overprotective at times… 

He has a big heart But also big insecurities, though his insecure side doesn’t always show… 

He’s a great father! Or well, he would be if he had any children… He would love to adopt 1 or 2 now when he’s on his own, but if he ever found a partner he would love to have several more, even Up to 10!!! (No matter if it would be biological then or adopted)

Mate/Partner: Keahi Vulcan

(((((He WAS looking for a compassionate partner who adores children and animals as much as he does… And one who wouldn’t comment badly about his monocel, hat nor his spikes on his back… (joking in the beginning when They meet is fine, but beware, you gotta be able to glue back the pieces of Galwen that you talk away with your words…))))))

(((He loves the hat and monocel and not so much his spikes (due to bullies in his younger years), so if anyone would comment badly on those, even as a joke he would feel really bad…)))