salem's Comments

i'd love to buy this bab if they're still available!

My paypal is the same as i sent from before <3

ok! it’s asking for the same info as last time if you wanted to set up another invoice instead o: 

OOH yes i can! sorry for the late reply i forgot abt this acc aksjekhe ; what’s ur email again? :0

sent! j gonna tag myself so i can see when you’ve sent! lilypaw

1 Replies

are they still up for offers or currently they unavailable?

they r! :3

may i ask what you're currently looking for them?

usd art but leaning towards trades!! <2

AH none of em interested me but i am selling them for 10$-15$!

anyone from yevnrief or my sales folder on this acc for them? :3

Im happy to do the first!

ill do that!! would you like me to transfer them to your main th?

Yes pls! I’ll transfer in a sec too >:3

got it!! sent my half over! :D

are you still interested? :o

2 Replies