I would love to adopt him for my series called Viligance. I would name this guy The Flame That Burns Bright with his nickname being Flame. He would be a former Night Market shop tender. Although he enjoyed his time at the Night Market he received a vision from The Star Tribe in a dream. In the dream, Flame learned there was something he was destined to do. He learned in the dream he was meant to bring hope back to a small group of cats located in the East Land. So Flame quit his job and set off on his quest. It took him many many months to reach his destination but his flame burnt bright and he kept going. He eventually reached the small group of cats and showed him there was still hope left in the world. Flame remained there for the rest of his days and received his name The Flame That Burns Bright. He died and joined The Star Tribe only to learn he was being given the gift of immortality and he was going to become a protector. 

Will be pending in a second, enjoy them!
