[Browbird] Ash



6 years, 6 months ago





Young Adult




Hunter | Farmer | Monster






Born into the role of a farmer, Ash loved tending to their flock's land more than anything. Nature was their life and the produce grown via their own hard work was extremely precious to the browbird. Their crop focus was centered around corn! Many, many types of corn.

Everything went horribly wrong when Ash died-- when everyone died. Pirates had descended on the community, as was growing more common of late, and took absolutely everything from them. Crops were burned, animals slaughtered, and the people executed on the spot if not deemed useful. Everything of value was taken, and it wasn't much given the state of simplicity the community thrived in.

After Ash died they also woke up. When they stood back on two feet, feeling diseased and wrong, they screamed in agony. Everything around them seemed to fade to dust and blow away on the wind. All of the bodies, all of the pirates, everything. They were alone and stood in a wasteland of dust and death. They'd come back a monster.









  • CORN
  • Farming / Gardening / Homesteads
  • Sunny weather
  • Singing
  • Insects


  • Pirates / Hunters
  • Winter
  • Halv side effects
  • Loud or sudden noises
  • Fire


Normal Form Traits
  • Type: Standard | Halv | Ancient
  • Aspect: Wood (common) || Speech (common)
  • Crest: Polyhedra (common)
  • Horns: Common Horns (common)
  • Tail: Common Tail (common)
  • Additional Traits: n/a
    • Autumn Bonus (special)

Halv Form Traits
  • Aspect: Wood (common) || Speech (common) || Wind (common) || Death (mythic)
  • Crest: Polyhedra (common)
  • Horns: Mutated Horns (halv/rare)
  • Tail: Common Tail (common)
  • Additional Traits:
    • Everglowing Eyes (mythic)
    • Aspect Mastery: Spirit || Dead Bark (ancient)
    • Monstrous Form (halv)
    • Autumn Bonus (special)



A small world out where the astral waters are thin, and where planets are few and far between at the boarders of the Faraway, sits a small world named Mahiz. It was a lovely little place, dedicated to farming and simpler lifestyles with a very small population and much of the world covered with farmlands and small villages. Ash was adopted by a lovely farming flock that discovered their egg left on the front porch.


From there, they raised the browbird as their own and taught them their way of life! Using their wood and speech magic, they sung songs to help the crops grow. Ash was very dedicated to their chores and role as a farmer-to-be. Early in life they mostly just helped eat the crop, rather than plant it.

Young Adult | Current

One evening, during a grand harvest moon that basked the whole countryside in an orange glow, offworlders descended onto their land. This was not uncommon, people sometimes would visit to purchase goods or to see the sprawling fields on farm worlds. But that was not the case this time. The strangers quickly revealed themselves to be pirates come to plunder the resources and gold of the planet using whatever destructive means were deemed necessary. Ash fearlessly stood to protect their home and land from the invaders, but was quickly dealt with, left dying in the fields they once tended as the thieves lit it ablaze. In their last moments, with their heart full of rage and sorrow, they had heard a voice calling out to them. It was a voice they had not recognized... Only later would they realize that it was the call of the void itself.

They had been offered a second chance at life, and the power to do away with the ones who had caused the destruction. Without knowing the full extent of the deal, they agreed and soon awoke. They stood again, filled with a new vigor they had never felt before and with this newfound energy they felt compelled to call out in song. As their voice echoed out over the burning farmland, everything in the surrounding area began to rot and decay. Realizing what was happening, the stronger of the invaders found the browbird and lashed out at them, trying to stop them from using their magic. But nothing could be done... They stood strong, and with each blow dealt to them thick bark grew to serve as protection and help them heal. The song did not stop until no one but them was left standing. It was then they had begun to realize what had happened.

Their form was now riddled with painful branches and endless sprouts of fungus. They wandered in search of aid, causing decay to their surroundings with each step. With everything they touched turning to dust, and without the ability to eat in this form they eventually fell unconscious. They awoke later, no longer a monster and briefly convinced it had all simply been a bad dream, but this was shattered upon the realization that everything around them had been turned to ash for miles. With no knowledge of anywhere they could return to, they set out to uncover why this had happened to them, and to find a way to reverse these effects... Or at the very least to discover a way to use their new found powers for good.


  • Wood: Ash mostly uses their wood aspect to aid in the growth of crops and small personal gardens.
  • Speech: Ash uses their speech aspect mostly to sing! They sing to raise the crops and help things around them grow. They sung to uplift others too, a bard of sorts! They adore singing as much as they adored all they loved before it was taken away from them.
  • Wind: Wish winds whipping about their voice is carried, as well as their songs.
  • Death: For a long time after the tragedy that befell Ash, the only songs they sung were sad. The songs had an adverse effect from how they were used prior and the melodies seemed to kill instead of grow. This is one of the ways they confirmed that they'd obtained a new aspect; death.
  • Synchrony: When Ash is in their halv form they use their speech aspect just as much, though it's at an alarming volume and with the intent to kill, destroy and rot everything around them. Nature reclaims whatever they deem unfit and while the act is traumatic, cruel and painful it's still something Ash does willingly to those who would blindly hurt and destroy the lives of others.


  • Their voice is very beautiful in their regular form. However, while in their halv form if they speak a single word above a whisper, things around them will start to die. Their songs could render hundreds of fields nothing but barren wastelands.
  • In halv form they attract many types of bugs! Insects and mushrooms seem to be the the only things their deadly powers have no effect on.
  • In their halv form their magic is enhanced drastically, while their actual physical form is weakened from the transformation. They cannot eat in this form, and can be injured very easily. Bad injuries, high levels of exhaustion, or extremely stressful situations will force them to change into their monstrous form.
  • Ash has an ilithede! Ilithedes are usually extremely dangerous and venomous, especially to magic-users, however the unique wood magic this browbird has keeps them safe and calm. Pashmina is very sweet.
  • Ash collects the mushrooms and bark that grow from their halv forms and trades them, as they're strange and valuable for crafting.


Malachi [ BFF ]

For many years Ash wandered alone and refused to grow too close to anyone. This all changed when they met another halv who seemed just as lost as they had been. With an overwhelming need to aid the other Ash regained some of their humanity and helped the other calm down. When they were both able to speak it was clear to Ash that they couldn't just walk away from Malachi. The two now travel together while trying to unravel the mysteries of their transformations.

Aleister [ Enemy ]

Aleister has attempted to hunt and kill the halv on multiple occasions with results varying wildly. Even death blows don't seem to keep the creature down for long, as if they're already dead and just keep coming back. Somehow Ash hasn't been able to kill the hunter either, they're unsure of what strange protections Aleister has but they finds it endlessly infuriating.

Isaac [ Keeper ]

Isaac took in both Malachi and Ash under his wing to keep them as safe as possible from the outside world. It's a relatively nice set up for the two, though Ash is far more wary than Malachi is about what or if there are ulterior motives to the strange priest's kindness.