Ivar (The original idea of him)



This is basically the idea I got fir this character when I first though of him late one night. I couldn't sleep because I loved the idea so much. I got so excited lol

-young adult archer

- masculine to neutral appearance. Stick when clock on but arms and legs are muscular due to bow usage and leg usage.

Legs for quick travel so not to bulky arms are stronger then legs.

- neutral colors though due to the magic from the bow absorbing into the character their eyes have a slight light blue ring in their eyes to maximize eye sight in both the dark and for seeing far distances.

- ruffled hair and wild boy look.

- might have a stick or two in the hair lol

- wears a well worn cloak like wild boy archer peeps wear(I'll have to find an image reference for that)

- the bow is dragonic and dark colored like a dark stormy sky of a violent thunder storm. The magic is wild and electric. Their is no physical string the character uses the bow's magic to pull a magical stored arrow (arrows can run out so make sure to stack up on them. Arrows are stored in the bow itself)

- bow can be stored in a tattoo that looks like a dragon that's fused with a bow that bent into an arrow like shape. When brought out from the tattoo form the bow flings out with a powerful force of energy it goes from the folded state to fully expanded after being released from the tattoo.

- hair is short though the back is a little grown out. Sometimes it's put up in a very small and low pony tail. Hair isn't cut clean due to being cut by a dagger or a knife.

- this character is in a magic based fantasy world. They are human but they aren't as human as humans in terms of personality and moral. The character cares not for greedy resources and prefers to avoid large city's and towns. They also do not like the sound of human voices but like the low tones of more beast like races such as dragons, orcs, etc.

- they often go with out or with thin foot wear unless they are going into rough or cold places.