


2 years, 4 months ago




Cottagecore Fursona


Woodland Creature











About & Personality

Cottage is a very shy little woodland creature that prefers to stick to themselves. A cat-like creature with deer-like antlers makes Cottage a very interesting creature to look at, and though many would probably be fascinated and even think they were cute, they unfortunately are very self-conscious about their appearance and what others truly think of them. They live pretty much alone in a deep, dark, sprucy woodland where they thrive mostly at night. They like to explore all they possibly can in these woods, following every path and peeking into every nook and cranny they find until they have almost the entire wilderness memorized. Once one patch of woods is sufficently explored, they'll move on to new lands to keep exploring, their woodsy fur color allowing them to blend almost perfectly into the environment. This plus their lithe and slim form allow them to traverse the woods with ease, and even more importantly allows them to remain hidden from those who may wander into the deep woodlands.

They very much prefer to be alone, although eventually it does get a bit too lonely, and Cottage wishes for just a bit of companionship. Sadly, their anxiety and depression weighs heavily on them, and they rarely have a moment of peace that allows them to travel to see new people. On occasion they'll chat with hikers and campers that traverse their woodland home, but for the most part, they scurry on their own, almost completely unnoticed by others, and known closely to only a select few. Living in the woods has its perks though, and Cottage has ways of keeping themselves busy. They rarely stay in one place for long, often making nests high up in the branches of trees, old hollows in tree trunks, or fallen trees that have been hollowed out into logs. They like to make beddings out of various soft plants like moss and flower petals as well as cobwebs and molted downy feathers. They'll also decorate their various homes with things they find in the woods like old bones, specifically antlers and bird skulls, dried out fish, mushrooms, feathers, shiny river stones, and pinecones. If needed, they'll make the place smell good with honey or various flowers, although most of the time, their homes end up smelling of cedar and spruce since Cottage themself naturally produces that scent, most likely from spending so much time in coniferous woods.

If someone wants to get to know Cottage, the best way to do so is to definitely show interest in their hobbies. Cottage doesn't open up often, but will easily do so if anything regarding nature is brought up. They love the woods and are very protective of their home, so they love to educate others any time the opportunity prevents themselves. If particularly close with someone, they'll spend time with them by hiking, camping, fishing, cloudwatching, and stargazing, though even with these friendships, it takes a lot of coercing for Cottage to leave the woods.

"♪In the spring, we made a boat out of feathers, out of bones♪"


110 lbs.

Lanky, small, and soft
Mushrooms, Pinecones, and Stormy Weather

Littering, Social Gatherings, and Sunlight

Design Notes

  • They can be drawn feral or anthro.
  • The pine tree and V markings on their chest are NOT optional.
  • Since their fur is so mottled, there's no strict pattern for the stripes and speckles as long as they're there.
  • They have an optional fluffy, emo-like hair style.
  • Their antlers are NOT optional.

Purchased from Mushirums

"♪Send me to the mountains, let me roam free forever♪"

Cottage was an impulse buy from Mushirums. I preclaimed them when I saw them on Mushirums's Instagram story before they actually went on sale.

The reason why Cottage is non-binary is because I couldn't choose if they would be male or female. I love them being enby now as it's helped me figure out myself a lot.

I always wanted to explore cottagecore themes in my art style and my fashion style, hence why Cottage is my cottagecore fursona. They give me a good excuse to explore those styles in my work.

Other names I debated for them was Sprucy and Cedar. Cottage was mean to be a placeholder name, but it's stuck now and I think it's fitting even if it's on the nose.

Cottage is also definitely reflective of parts of my mental health I struggle with, mainly depression, hence their very anti-social and moody demeanor.

Though non-binary, Cottage is slightly leaning towards masculine, but they'll wear pretty much anything, including more feminine clothes.

The reason why Cottage's species isn't listed as an antlered cat or something similar is because I like the idea of them being some mysterious little creature in the woods that may be able to show different traits of different animals like foxes, birds, and even plants, hence why they naturally smell like spruce and sap.

Even though I don't like a lot of bugs like spiders and cockroaches, Cottage loves bugs, though we share a favorite bug, the praying mantis.

I imagine Cottage probably can't cook very well, and instead chooses to forage for things like berries, herbs, and edible mushrooms, occasionally going fishing for a bigger meal. Their favorite snack is definitely a mix of mushrooms and sunflower seeds.

My fursonas don't really have a shared world they all inhabit, I just write it like that since it's easier to follow along. That said, Cottage's closest friends are Captain and Wonka.

Cottage's voice claim is either Robin Daniel Skinner (Cavetown) or Ragnar Þórhallsson, the male lead vocalist of "Of Monsters and Men".

Trivia & Fun Facts

Best Friend

Though very opposite in personality, Captain is Cottage's best friend. The two met when Captain traveled to Cottage's woodland and somehow stumbled across them fishing. Though hesitant at first, Cottage slowly grew closer to Captain since they could tell he had a strong respect for nature. Cottage induldges in their interests with Captain whenever he comes to visit, and on occasion, they'll be convinced to join him on a trip somewhere.

Very Close Friend

Wonka resides in part of the woods Cottage lives in. The two have known each other a long time, but Wonka doesn't follow Cottage through the woods as they move from place to place. If Cottage happens upon her patch in the woods, they'll hang out for a long time to see their friend. Wonka is very worrisome and protective of Cottage, which Cottage themselves are aware of, and even though the worrying can get tiring, they know Wonka means well, and they're glad to have her.