MYO - 670's Comments

Hey! This peluchi was traded separately from the design they were based on! The og Design also had another cs form that was traded to a whole different  person! 

Hello! I'm a little confused by this comment, so just the peluchie design was traded but not the other attached designs? We usuallly want to make sure every au / species related to a character is traded together so someone doesn't end up having an exact replica of someone elses oc ;;

Yes! owned by devio The original design, Owned by Peachesdemon 

There was also another AU/Species form, owned by yet another person, but they just overhauled it recently

Hmm we don't allow this to happen as it's agaisnt our rules. As it's already been traded though we'll let it go with a warning this once if both owners are okay with having two ocs look this similar.

Traded to devi0



Traded to Dolli3_M0th 

I think I confirm it so. Confirm 💀