


6 years, 7 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)



-Often called Ark


-Incredibly old


-Bioluminescent tongue

-Mostly blind (can see light and dark, but not much else)

-Pale faded skin

-Sensitive to light

-Impeccable sense of smell

-Has keen sense of surrounds, despite lack of sight

-Speaks rough and ancient form of draconian

-Knows some English

Arkahps is an old sentient draconian who was cursed with imortality and trapped in a dark/expansive cave system long ago. In the centuries he has lived there he has evolved to better survive in his harsh home. He lures insects and other cave dwellers with his thick, bioluminescent tongue  and eats them, but these are not enough to properly support a large dragon like himself and so he is imaciated and disformed from lack of  nutrition. He has long since lost his eyesight, though his sense of smell and surroundings have hightened to frightening level. Aditionally  his once glorious wings have devolved into malformed arm-like limbs.

The  cave that Arkahps lives in was recently opened up again after a group  of exploreres removed the rubble that blocked the enterence to it. While  Arkaphs is now able to leave the cave, his time in the darkness has  made him sensitive to sunlight, and so he generally only comes out at  night. Despite being secluded for so long, Arkahps has retained his  ability to speak draconian, however it is very rough and from a more  ancient strain of the dialect. He can also understand/speak some English  and some other languages, but it's very difficult to understand him.