Vianna Rivers



2 years, 7 months ago


Fallen Saviour
Mr Otaku

01 — Profile

Name Vianna Rivers
Nicknames Boss, Via
Age 22
Gender Female ( she/her )
Height 151cm
Birthdate April 16
Race Human-born Aptness User
Orientation. Homosexual
Occupation Exorcist

Status Alive
Designer cryinemo
Worth Not for Sale
  • Aptness: Bloodshot

  • Weapon type aptness that requires her own blood or demon blood to form a scythe, spear and handaxe

  • Summons when the demon is wounded or she is wounded, can appear on her hand or right eye like strings. Non-combat mode is a small black key, contains a sharp tiny blade for Vianna to activate her aptness.

02 — Personality

Vianna is a fun, charismatic young woman who enjoys speading time with her coworkers, peers and subordinates. She deeply cares about them and will do anything to protect them from harm, so much that she barely considers herself as someone valuable. Despite her sweet persona, she carries an intimidating status inside of work, she would often chew on peers around or higher rank whenever she disagrees with their wrongdoings and even fight with them if they bother to fight back.

As the leader of her exorcist party, she is more mature and commanding to carry her on her stoic demeanor. While the party members respect Vianna, they also hold a worrisome degree towards her because she does not show any care for her health in the battlefield. In fights, she overtires herself, making her rely on her teammates for most of her early days. She barely uses her aptness because it carries a traumatic burden on her. She would always put herself in grave danger just to protect people who she considers as value.

Outside of work, she is a loud and extroverted individual who exceeds a freer and playful version of herself. She follows a cutesy and flashy in fashion and aesthetics and adores anything or anyone that looks shiny and pretty. Despite her cute presence, underneath those puffy sleeves, she is actually quite muscular. She follows a strict workout routine and is constantly maintaining a healthy lifestyle to compensate for her unhealthy addiction and overwhelming stress.

  • Eating food

  • Friends

  • Cute things

  • Metal Music

  • People and demons harming her party

  • Rude People

  • Her smoking addiction

  • Dairy

03 — Background


In her homeworld, Datis, aptness users are shun down upon due to traumatic history between Humans, Mages and Heathens(Humans with Demonic abilities aka aptness users). By law, it is a policy to execute human-born aptness users. Due to this, her parents were reluctant to give their precious 9 year old daughter away and was unfortunately exiled, living Vianna behind to survive alone in the polluted streets of Norosia. She taught herself how to sneak and steal, sometimes she force herself to strave because she still bares good morales from her parents' teachings. A year later, a girl around her age named Withering Rivers and her father Mr. Rivers took her to his orphanage for Heathens and Mages and taught her their weaponsmith and fighting traditions.

As a teenager, Vianna was quite a troublesome child, often stealing money and beating up kids with Withering and her friend group. She no longer has a skinny, malnourish body due to her adoptive family's care and brawl traditions. Her high devotion for training makes her a prodigy in Mr. Rivers' boxing ring and dojo. Vianna also had a happy relationship with Withering, even gave her the nickname "Wither" and keeping her last name as Rivers instead of her forgotten surname.


!!! Work in Progress !!!

04 — Trivia

  • Vianna always wear a hat, no matter the occasion. She believes she feels naked up there.

  • She gives her subordinates weird nicknames. Gabriel's nicknames are "Son", "Precious Boy" and "Weird bird man who shoots feathers from his ass". Quin's nicknames are "Bestie", "Quinie Beanie" and "Not the hot twin".

  • She is short due to the fact that she was malnourished when she was young.

  • Vianna's character design is inspired by the rock band Styx.

05 — Relationships

Withering Rivers
Withered Petals

Vianna and Withering were in a relationship in the past, dubbing Withering as "Wither". Wither was the first person to help her out during her crisis, thus earning Withering her loyality. After her death, Vianna refuse to lay her eyes on any girl due to her committed love for Winter.

Guinevere Lennon
Written in Violet Ink

!!! Plot Work in Progress !!!

Guinevere is Vianna's lawyer at the time of a serious case that she was involved in. She is also the twin older sister of Quin and the older half sister of Vuitton

Gabriel Novoselic
Evangel Marigold

!!! Plot Work In Progress!!!

Gabriel was Vianna's first subordinate in her new job as an exorcist. Her relationship with Gabriel felt as if she is a big sister to him, almost motherly like. Gabriel is Vianna's first exorcism experiment to finally be exorcise from demonic possession and he honors her for letting him live another day without being controlled by something or someone. Gabriel carries a fear of causing a genocide, in case his demonic possossion comes back from the dead. In exchange, Vianna and Gabriel made a promise that she will carry his death if this ever happens.

Quin Lennon
Arabella Jack

!!! Plot Work in Progress !!!

Quin is the second person Vianna recruited into the party, insisted by her twin sister, Guinevere, to join. Her relationship with Quin is quite close, often fighting together because both share similar fighting styles and prowesses. However, both bold personalities outside work do not reciprocate, resulting into fights and arguments over small things. Besides that, Vianna and Quin vow to protect Guinevere, Vuitton, Gabriel and the innocent.

Vuitton Lennon
Divided by Masks

!!! Plot Work in Progress !!!

Besides the fighting trio, Vuitton is Vianna's coworker under the medical and science department. Although they do not interact in work, outside however, they are really close. Their friendship became even closer when Guinevere insisted Vuitton to work under Vianna as a scientist to prove the laws of exorcism as a solution to demon overpopulation and human depletion.