


2 years, 4 months ago



" Respect must be given to the will of every creature. Each fish in the ocean swims in its own direction."


The beloved Shore General, she is known by name to many and feared by those who creep within the shadows of the deep.


Name Sangha
Age 28 years
Gender Nonbinary (she/they)
Species Cetawing
Birthday Feb 22
Height 6 meters
Orientation unsure
Occupation Shore War General
Worth $225

  • making beaded jewelry
  • the reef at sunset
  • whale song
  • swift battles

  • eating meat
  • hivewings
  • broken coral


  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Donec sagittis erat vel quam porta faucibu.
  • Ut lobortis ornare fermentum
  • Vivamus eros magna, euismod quis augue non, tempor ultricies massa

Design Notes

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
  • Donec sagittis erat vel.
  • Ut lobortis ornare fermentum.
  • Vivamus eros magna, euismod quis augue non, tempor ultricies massa.


Sangha is a pleasant character with a comforting aura. She is warm offduty, and will enage in passing chatter with any dragon that would like a word. While talking, they ensure their words are polite and modest- never boasting about themselves or their position.

On-duty however, she is a hardened soldier with years of experience- on and off the field to back her title. They never waste resources, and are efficent with every decision that is made. She will do whatever it takes to limit loss of life, but victory will always be her number 1 priority. She is as ambitious as she is kind.

Orci, aliquet nec luctus cursus, pellentesque aliquam nunc. Nunc sed sagittis lectus. Morbi id sem id augue rutrum consequat sed in ante. Quisque egestas lacus tortor, in aliquam neque aliquam elementum.

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