Fornax's Comments

He is adorable! :0 I dont have many dragon ocs but he looks very polite and fun to draw, so I'd definitely use him :)

Heyyy this fella is neat, if he’s still available I’d love to give him a home. I do use my characters and plan to use my animals very soon, I also draw them! I’d probably use him as a pet for a character or perhaps a just a chill dragon lol, could see his name being Fireball. Hope he gets a good home, thanks for the opportunity. 


I am trying to create a new universe for my characters and created a thread that this character would suit. 

Centuries ago, in the world of my universe, the inhabitants believed in star gods. Each star was different and many of them had special powers / things assigned to them. Most of the stars had their physical and spectral form (points of light in the sky, similar to the real world). And this is where my plan for this character begins. I already have one star character, a fallen star (link)

which in short will be a bit of the villain through the actions of a certain organization of the universe. As for this character, I see him as another star that will be a kind of enemy to the fallen star? 

I see him as a shooting star, he has no eyes and the star is falling "blind" just flying forward 👀

Of course, stars are only the rank of the character, the name would be different, some more interesting.

I will not write any further because I am already writing a story about this universe and I do not want to talk too much. 

Thank you for the chance ^^

omg he is so special i love him. already have so many great ideas for him.
here's a little about him, if he becomes mine.   

Name: Spirit

Species:  dragon

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Likes: birds singing, fly, fish especially salmon and to explore caves

Dislikes: total silence and spicy food,

Favorite Season: Winter

Personality: Spirit is a slightly wild dragon despite not having any eyes but in a way he can still see, he is patient and a little shy

Backstory: he lives with a small herd of dragons together in a rock cliff close to the water not so far away there is a forest he is often in there, he listens quite often to the birds sing and exploring caves.

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