


2 years, 4 months ago






Ork (Oni)



Phak Yu


We Good


Buri Buri


you are loving

Introduction · · ·

Genki, The blue demon, Player, Homewrecker, He has a lot of names despite the fact that he was never given one at birth. The ones he got on the streets do define who he is. "Genki" is the nickname he got from early childhood. Despite everytime he would get beaten up, get his things stolen, get betrayed. He would shake it of and smile. He wouldn't hold grudges cause he knew he would do the same if his life depended on it.

His occupation is being a runner. Meaning he does odd jobs with his team for blood money.


  • Sex
  • Big men
  • Gashapon
  • Rap

  • Posh people
  • Being controlled
  • Ready meals
  • Music without meaning

Personality · · ·

Genki is a happy optimist. He has the highest enegy of the group and has huge compassion for the ones who he trust. When in possession of a gun he has no hesitation of killing someone if it's a part of a job. He would never intend to kill anyone but the target unless it's in self defence. When by himself he is very calm and hides his face and skin in public. He is wary of new people before he knows if they are of his kin or against it. He knows most have a thing against orks not to mention Onis.

Oddly good chef for a street kid.

His cooking has worked as an apology gift for multiple occasions. It has also been a great tool to make good relations with strong contacts.


Awful spending habits. Despite getting high rewards for deadly jobs, the money is gone by the end of the month. He never knows where it went.

Phys Add

He has a magical physical ability that changes his body during a breif moment of time to withstand more damage. His skin gets armor like adaptations as well as Genkis body grows a bit. He uses it rarely becouse he thinks it makes him ugly.


He has a knack for rap and was getting famous back in the underground of Tokyo before he got stuck in china. He is getting better at Cantonese mostly to be able to rap for pocket change again.

Stats · · ·









My head hurts... Where am i?..

- Genki on the other side of the town in an unknown car when he should be present for a very important meeting

Trivia · · ·

Has gotten one leg amputated after it got mangled during a job
Was once shot by a stranger whilst being misstaken for a ghoul. They became good friends.
Shot one of his old team mates when he found out she was responsible for getting the rest of his team in jail.
Freaks out when anyone confesses their love to him. He is scared of comitment and love.
Grew up on an island where japan dumped criminals and demon looking citicens. He was taken under an old oni ladys wing and worked for the local gangs for food.
Uses his Phys Add ability if he cant fit it in..

Backstory · · ·

Genki was born into a young human family in Tokyo. Due to his looks he was taken away at birth, The doctors reassured the coupe that they should try again. The blue baby boy didn't get to make eye contact with his family before he was already on the way towards his own adventure. He wasn't the only metahuman born that day, Him and a hand full of other meta human newborn where processed and sent away to an Island made for keeping meta humans and criminals out of the sight of the Japanese society. Yomi Island.

He grew up under the roof of an elder oni lady and learned the harsher way of survival. When the Yomi Island eventually got discontinued, and the mentor died of old age, Genki made his way back to Tokyo.

Teens in Tokyo

During his teenage years Genki picked up rapping as a hobby and kept doin odd jobs since working for stuffer shack didn't work out for him.. "How am I supposed to both not show my 'scary' teeth but also smile to the customers? The boss is a fucking hypocrite. And what am I supposed to do about my eyes?? rip em out and get cyber ones that are more 'normal' fuck off." He clears his throat before continuing. "Racism aside, I got fired once for looking nervous. I mean seriously, the boss thought I had some social anxiety problem. But no, it's not the people. Seeing that much money passing my hands and my pay being just a fraction of it is what gets me nervous. The urge to put it in my pocket is just that great. Honestly I should've just done it.. "

He got contacts through his underground rap gigs. Did milk runs here and there, but one day this girl showed up to the club Genki frequented. High schooler. Genkis age. Lucky.

She went by Lucky, It took barely a year for the two to gather themselves a good dynamic team. Lucky talked, Zetsubo beat people up, Stardust had magic on her side and Roulette was an experienced Russian vory member. (ok it's a long story, they got lucky... ) and Genki ofc! Genkis role was talking and co conning with Lucky as well as beating people up along Zetsubo, But most importantly he was the groups moral support and one who knew how to cook.

Years go and the crew get a job that is too good to be true. Sabotage Wuxing for Renraku. They where promised millions. they would be set for life. But they where naïve enough not to see the bigger picture. They went to HongKong. They where the distraction. The promised backup never came. Stardust got shot. Zetsubo disappeared in the commotion. Roulette and Lucky got taken to jail.

Alone in Hong Kong

Genki laid low for three years. Man didn't have enough money to return to Tokyo. His determination to break his friends out of jail kept him put as well. He tried to build up his reputation in music, but his Cantonese was shit, at least the first years. It was enough for pocket change, but nothing close to what a man needs to get a fake ID or a place to live. He started developing a routine to get in peoples beds to sleep under roofs instead. Anyone made due, Any gender, Any metatype, Married or not. He was desperate for survival. In the morning he would sneak out of bed and cook breakfast for himself and who ever he ended up with. This was his charming way of stealing peoples food before leaving.

When it seemed that the terror attack on wuxan was a cold case, He sought out a way to get a new team... to be continued

Links · · ·


The biggest the strongest and the one with the biggest heart! Tank is a troll who could grab ones head and crush it like a waterballoon. He doesn't make this a habit. He only does it to ppl who deserve it.

The gangs grandma. He cares for the team and anyone he is close to and he will protect them with his life.


This man. the Dude. Unicorn is fighting himself up to the position of the loudest of the bunch. His magical abilities are very apperent and he is not shy about showing them off.

Genki and Unicorn share a low maturity lvl.


Streetsam. The guy got a kid with a woman he barely talks to anymore. During most weekends ge gets pocketchange for being a club DJ. Gweilo is the straightest man of the bunch and has a hard time trying to manage Genki and Unicorn when they are hyping echother to do stupid things.

Teammate parttime

Keeps talking about his own junk.

former teamate

status: In jail


Genkis rock. The only stability in his life. He turned her down once, but they were still good friends. She is the best talker Genki knows.

former teamate

status: In jail


Russian vori. He kows his vehicles. Genki tried to get in his pants. Dudes married. rip

former teamate

status: Dead


Stardust was a calm calculative person. Genki thinks she showed her boobs on a photo once. noone belives him. She was belived to be killed at the scene of the terror attack. Genki found her working for the people the team lost against and he found a way to contact her. after a conversation and an exchange of bullets and fists, she explained that she never had loyalty for the team and that she regrets nothing. Genki iced her. Despite all this he made a memorial for her. after all. they where teamates for years.

former teamate

Status: Unknown

Got seperated in the botched job. Genki and him where like brothers. Genki belives that he is dead since he dissapeared. despite that, he does message hi from time to time. Updating him on his life despite never getting a reply. He does it in a way to handle his greif but also becouse he wants to belive that the messages get read. He has not gotten a reply for the three years it's been and Genki has made a make shift grave for him to remember him by. Sae location as he then made a memorial for stardust.

code by 00Ishikawa00