Valeria Vivenzio



2 years, 4 months ago


Valeria Vivenzio (Formally Valeria Eksaul)

Early Life and Pre-War


Valeria grew up on a coastal estate in the northern peninsula of Owetruer. Born into a moderate wealth Valeria lived idle, and  peaceful, the country’s refusal at the time to join in the war assigning her to a rather uneventful life, though loving nonetheless.

Her father, the only parental figure prominent in her life, would tragically lose his life in one of Argane’s first offensives on Sorren water space. Having no choice to grow up more or less alone, she sold her unused inherited assets her father had left once she came of age, and moved to a more moderate means of living within Argane. While a perhaps reckless decision driven by solidarity and desperation for escape, Valeria found her own footing in the S.R, pursuing her interests in fashion, graduating to become successful in her own small scale way.

While she focused on her own career and pursuit in the world of garments, she had her own admirers. On the roster was her future husband, Madyke Eksaul.

Valeria, ignorant to Madyke’s position as an aspiring official within the higher ranks of the Sorren Command in its military, fell for him and his seemingly pensive, kindly presentation. 

Valeria was not an orthodox choice given she had forfeited her wealth when she left Owetruer, but even so, Madyke had fallen head over heels in the years between their initial meeting, to their eventual marriage, and beyond.

They would go on to move to the Eksaul family estate in Argane, and before too long, have a son, Wendell.

Before the Eksaul family was driven from Argane, Valeria began to see Madyke's double life shine through the cracks in his actions, expressing interests and horrific ideations or plans he had once he obtained greater control as his standing role of High Commander at the time in the Arganian army.

She took this incentive to devise a means for her and her young son at the time to get out of the equation. She became disgusted with Madyke's radical proposals, often facing ridicule and anguish when she criticised his obsessive desires and pleas to reason. 

She would not be successful in securing Wendell away from Madyke as she framed her disappearance on the siege of their home in the midst of a revolt the country had at the height of resistance in the country.


Summary of Current Profession


As of the present, Valeria is a cold missing person’s case. Her whereabouts beyond being last seen in Argane are unknown. Her alias as an Eksaul is nigh on taboo within the country, so alive she may be, but it isn’t under the same name.

She however never gave up on previous aspirations to be a designer, but has substituted floral dresses for combat tunics. Funnily, her business has skyrocketed in a country less forgiving.

Her family back in the S.R where the Eksaul's were exiled know nothing of her whereabouts or if she is even alive. Valeria, as much as it pains her to not be able to reach out to her son, Wendell, cannot give Madyke’s presence and the threat of interception of her letter giving her away to authorities.


Biology and Abilities


Elves have an unmatched reserve of magical energy that makes them well equipped to perform magical incantations. Valeria is a craft caster and uses spells to perform stitch craft, weaving and seam stressing etc…

She is a competent athlete when it comes to cricket, and enjoys watching it too.

Something she does possess that is a trait the elven race is reputable for is the strange phenomenon that he can completely shut off the parts of the brain that control feelings of fear or self-preservation. Valeria, whilst having this innate ability, only used it in abundance in the last years of her marriage with Madyke.

His hearing is way above that of human efficiency. It is on par with a cat.

She does not possess any exemplary combat skills or such, though compensates with an active physique and interest in sports.




Valeria is poised and grateful in her presentation to others that is all very typical to a shelf in her social standing. Beyond appearances however she has exhibited a grand competitiveness and a can do attitude to life. She is more often not correct, and will always get the last word. 

Despite a track record of stubbornness that can be difficult to reason with, Valeria is a loving and tender shelf who is completely family orientated and selfless, even if this can become overbearing to those she holds dear. 

However, a prolonged state of mind where she numbed herself with the elvish mind trick has left her more susceptible to outbursts if the given emotion is strong enough, which result in name calling, accidental insults and belittling when the filter breaks.

She is still extremely sensitive through and through.

 She holds a great regret and sadness that she couldn't save Wendell from the suffocating life within Madyke's shadow, ever blaming herself and tormented by it.

Trivia and Other


Valeria’s inspirations come from Ursa (Avatar) and Queen Elinor (Brave,) and the Spring Sprite, (Fantasia) and Polly Gray, (Peaky Blinders.)

She loves cricket, but also polo, and riddles, often cracking one in an attempt to engage in some fun.

She is characterized by the smell of her perfume, a slightly too pungent mint like smell.

She never finished a full course meal without the butler’s recommended dessert to end with.

She has ties within the Eyer, who are the primary reason she has been able to avoid prosecution by the Arganian officials.

She is 5'8, 103 kilos, 59 years of age, born on the 25th of April.

>Spotify Playlist<

>Headcanon Voice<