

The Creation Process

Shirito Rodeschild is a Choro-Q original character that was created to give "Major Rodeschild" (Rodesushiruto Rodeschild) a sibling and family to further explain why he fought in the war. Her origination was involving a character named "Drift" in which was suppose to play as a support character for Dusk Quantum and build up his character and who he was. Later, the idea was partly scrapped and she was moved to the Labyrinth to help build his character before he became who he was. Shirito was also expected to be a minor character that was meant to die really early within the Choro-Q Universe lore, much attachment was grown towards her from the many years that she had been worked on. She eventually was changed to become the General of Q-Stein (then the replacement of the General of Envy), who would eventually rebel from the Emperor of Q-Stein, once he was killed. Overall, she's one of those anti-hero characters that exist within the Choro-Q Universe lore to help put a boundary that nothing is right or wrong and that there can never be a utopia. 

-- To find out more about her story, check the Backstory section! DISCLAIMER: The story is written in a viewpoint of either a tank or a human, but kept neutral otherwise for personal perception.


Shirito wears a very sly and insanely gleeful expression on the outside, but is a very stubborn and frustrated individual on the inside. Many fear her because she was a Protonian, wears the Rodeschild namesake and tends to prey on her own people to feed her cannibalistic needs. Shirito gets her stubbornness from her father, whom, is very a stubborn individual, believing her plans and strategies will work within the war. Although the other generals know she is ignorant and uses her title to find senseless pride in doing her job to exact revenge on the nation that abandoned her. Compared to the General Derek Wolff, Shirito's strategies are usually more direct but logical, utilizing the Q-Stein military to their fullest. Shirito, In her free time, is usually pondering to herself, how her life is, and what is going on. This, she gets this from her mother, Kurstoff’s, side. Eventually she’ll get stressed out and frustrated of how life had done her dirty and eventually refer to abusing her nullification drugs to end the day early, usually causing her to suffer immensely in her health and lose control of her ability to control her cannibalism. One could say internally, Shirito is extremely depressed over the unfortunate mess her life is and how she can do nothing to make it better. This eventually bleeds to her outward impulsivity and reluctancy to listen to others then finally ends up with her getting punished in the end.

Facts About the Character

  • Shirito was originally a type of grey Panzer II named "Drift" whom would follow the main character, Dusk around under a hidden identity as women were not meant to fight in the war.
  • Shirito was never meant to be an important character for Q-Stein or Proton Kingdom, rather a supporting character.
  • Shirito has multiple officially known ships that are either canon or not canon:
    • Shirito x Rodesu - The Sibling Ship : This ship is a reference between the relationship of LunaHydreigon and APC227, simple as that.
    • Shirito x Katerina - The Lesbian Ship : This ship was created with Tree because of how Shirito and Katerina got along within roleplays which lead them to have an emotional driven relationship as non-related siblings and as loving partners.
    • Shirito x Elina : The Women Rivalry Ship : This ship was created with Tama due to the fact Elina and Shirito were both training to become officers in the Q-Stein Empire, and always rivaled over who was the better of the two.
    • Shirito x Dusk - The Original Ship : This original ship had crashed and burned but played an important role of how much Dusk meant to Shirito at one point and vice versa.
  • Shirito was meant to be known as “Experiment No. 920, the Medical Experiment” but the idea was scrapped due to complications. The idea of the medical experiment was to help Q-Stein improve medical needs, but her being a General, would make no sense that she was also being experimented on as a General.
  • Shirito’s personality was influenced by Tanya von Degurechaff from Youjo Senki: Saga of Tanya the Evil originally. Although her personality was dumbed down to embrace a more envious and recklessness, and mischievous side of her.
  • Shirito's name was based on the Japanese name of Major Rodeschild, "Rodosushiruto".

-- Theme Songs: “Monster” by REOL Official

-- If the character had a Voice Actor: REOL Official

  • Love interest and caring of Dusk (she doesn’t show it)
  • Katerina, just Katerina (she doesn’t show it)
  • Strawberry Cake
  • Kurstoff, her mother
  • Revenge & Power (especially magical abilities)
  • Freedom from her original medical conditions
  • Becoming a military personnel without sexism
  • Loves being in the middle of chaos and the adrenaline it provides
  • Obsession over black ties (has a closet of them)
  • Dislikes being seen as a Proton Kingdom Citizen
  • General Derek Wolff, her superior and trainer
  • Kurstoff’s lies, self-harm, faked death, and mental state
  •   Being seen lowly by Q-Steins
  • Dislikes her cannibalistic nature they can be uncontrollable at times
  • Being ‘different’ and cast out by the officer Q-Steins
  • General Chromius Rodeschild, her father, for never rescuing her
  • Dusk’s original traitorship that lead to her first death and changed her life
  • MAD and the Generals refusing her to go to the front lines of the war
  • Being the lowest rank General, believing her name means a lot more for a higher level
  • Hates losing her taste, as all food aside raw human meat has taste.
  • Hates sniping and ranged distance fighting.

"Heh, you really think I’ll return to your stupid ass country? Not a fucking chance! My loyalty belongs to Q-Stein after everything I’ve fucking been through! Nothing will ever fucking change that! And you all shall suffer from my never-ending wrath for everything you did!!!

- Shirito Rodeschild

Shirito Rodeschild
The Ghoul of Proton Kingdom
Azurian (American)
Vehicle Type
Leopard 2 A6 (With Modified Stealth Shifting Plates)
DSR50 Sniper Rifle, Pair of Daggers, Pistol
Q-Stein Kingdom, Formerly Proton Kingdom
Q-Stein Capital, Formerly Rivageders
General of Strategic Planning of the Q-Stein Army, General of Envy













Shirito Rodeschild is younger one of the two twins of the famous Rodeschild military and noble family, child to the Proton Kingdom's famous General, Chromius Rodeschild and the notorious Spymaster of Q-Stein, Kurstoff Ramsford. It was very well known that Shirito was quite a cheerful young girl when she was smaller, always seeking to cheer people around her up. Because of this, Shirito had a strong bond with her mother who suffered from PTSD and schizophrenia. She loved to go visit people with her family and meet everyone, she always had a soft heart towards anyone, including animals. The only issue is that she struggled physically as being the youngest of the two twins, she was born with a weakened heart and immune system so she couldn't do a lot of activities like her brother Rodosushiruto "Rodesu" Rodeschild could do. At times, she would envy her brother for being able to go out and do a lot more than her. The normal sibling rivalry was strong, but the duo still enjoyed each others company at home otherwise since Rodesu would bring home things for her, take pictures, and so on. Shirito was eventually given by her mother, a plush turtle which had a pocket where Shirito would store a picture of her mother and her together within it.

When her mother left her at a young age, it was due to a house fire that had occurred, Shirito's demeanor had changed after the incident. Clearly distraught that her mother was taken away from her and presumed as dead. Her father, Chromius, became more strict and quiet towards her. He was never the one who took care of the kids since he was always extremely busy as being the General of the Proton Kingdom. Shirito was never really allowed to leave and stayed with the maid at the house who took care of the kids. As time passed, Rodesu and Shirito grew more close, but went to different classes. Rodesu would go into a special military school for young children while Shirito herself would go to a normal class to prepare her for a future for that of a woman like her that is expected to raise a family and continue the Rodeschild lineage one day. Although, this wasn’t what Shirito wanted, what she wanted was to live up Kurstoff’s legacy and fight her way to become a military worker, a way to pay tribute to her mother. Unfortunately, Shirito suffered a lot from her medical conditions, even if women couldn’t go into the military, she didn’t have a strong heart to deal with the immense workout sessions that the military offered. Her father, Chromius, would scold her for such thoughts of entering the military, explaining that it was too dangerous. Despite it all, Shirito still dreamed, even if it was a half-hearted feeling. Rodesu eventually gave her his scarf to comfort her throughout the loss of their mother, trying to give Shirito more meaning into the people existing around her.

Eventually, by the time Shirito had turned 13, she had begun to become desperate in trying to join in the military camp with Rodesu. Her determination she had placed in sought into looking for anyway to become stronger. This brought her to a group of men who overheard her talking about such success. They wanted money in order to give her what she wanted. Explaining that they were just some humble group who had rain out of money due to the ongoing tensions between trading. Her choice to help and attempt to take money from her own family to prove that she was or could become stronger eventually lead her to getting fooled by a group of men who kidnapped her. This was when Shirito realized, this was what her father had tried to protect her from. And it was the manipulation that people did to gain her trust. She was beaten and taken away, where the men would threaten her. Although, these men weren’t any normal citizen, they were Q-Stein infiltrators who worked for the spymasters. The men offered a deal in attempt to get attention of her brother in order to get him to work for getting Shirito back. Rodesu held his ground of course. Shirito begged for him to help her, but he rejected their offer in affiliating with them and providing military intel. She watched them chase off her brother, attempting to catch him, feeling betrayed, abandon, hopeless.
She was taken by submarine to the Q-Stein holding facilities under the capital, beaten regularly. Without medicine and care, her health withered away. The Q-Steins used medical supplies that would strengthen her lifespan in her state, but she never liked the probing of sickly needles. Eventually she was put up for offer by some Generals, attempting to barter with the Proton Kingdom to reach a trade agreement involving the trading of Proton intel. Chromius denied, coldheartedly, to wanting his own daughter back. Shirito was shattered by his response, as she had hoped that she would be able to be back home. A gun was pointed at her, then a gunshot, its impact caused her to hit her head in the cage she was held in, then nothing else could be felt.

Eventually, she was preserved for some time, kept alive by Q-Stein’s life support until she was forgotten about. The more lower classed Q-Stein, in charged with cleaning up the storages, eventually found her pod and placed it up for sale for slavery purposes. One man, bought the pod in the auction, a Lieutenant General named Quevee Voroshiro. He was the well know Lieutenant General who worked at the Labyrinth, the training facility for newly created Q-Steins. He bought the young girl and brought her back to his apartment and attempted to nurse her back to life. The days it took was difficult as she remained in a coma, despite being separated from the life support. With some medical help from the scientists of Q-Stein, she eventually could awaken. A feeble, weak, skinny young girl with tattered Proton-liked clothes was all she was, she held a scarf that seem to meant something to her, but she had no recollection of who she was or where she came from. Time past until she was 16, being provided rather strong medicine for her heart condition, where she lived in the labyrinth with her foster parent, Lieutenant General Quevee. Her inability to recall her name lead her to take in the name “The Ghoul of Proton,” Ghoul for short by those around her. She became stronger, eventually being applied to learn tankery. Although, the Q-Steins engineers had to modify an abandoned Proton’s tank to suit her needs as she was human unlike the cyborgs that made up the Q-Stein population. She stayed and lived with Quevee while helping him around the Labyrinth, eventually meeting his squadron that help protect and safeguard the Labyrinth from anyone going in and out. He would, in return, keep an eye on Ghoul’s whithering health that could scarily fluctuate. Ghoul soon joined her ranks in their goal to hunt down the weak Q-Steins that he deemed were unnecessary for providing their assistance in the success of the Empire. She, herself had never killed anyone, merely, she was meant to stay back and damage any suspected target of interest. Although, her personality began to turn cold and more secluded. Not many people of the Labyrinth enjoyed her presence and would curse her out. Especially one Q-Stein named Kiosh, who worked for Quevee’s squadron. He would give her a bad time when Quevee wasn’t around to protect her. She eventually found interest in a Q-Stein soldier named Conrade Volzol. He was one of the few Q-Steins that had treated her like another human being. Conrade was friendly and silly, but quite a bit older than “Ghoul” herself. She began hanging around him and his squadmates more often, but work and training continued to hurry her or them along. She would spend hours talking to Conrade about her experiences within the Labyrinth and sharing information with one another. Eventually, Ghoul began to wonder about what the outside world was like since she was never allowed to leave the Labryinth as her foster father would explain that the world was too dangerous for her out there. Unknowingly the past was beginning to repeat once more.

Eventually one target interested her during one of the Lieutenant General’s opening ceremonies he had to do for new forged, a young man named No. 919 that was fresh from the factory line, he had a strange and unique attitude compared to most other Q-Steins. He was on the hit list of Q-Steins that needed to be taken down due to his low scores. She went to talk to the Lieutenant General about how she openly felt, but he was too stubborn to understand, so therefore she gave up in trying to persuade him. Out of spite, she went out to go try to save the man. Unfortunately she was too late as Quevee’s group had found him and tore him apart. Fortunately he was able to escape and from there Ghoul towed him to her place. She did her best to nurse him back to full health. Eventually she was successful, No. 919 was surprised and fearful for his life, but Ghoul managed to calm him down and talk to him. After that day, they became closer friends and she introduced him to Conrade whom, he already accidentally met when he got lost. The trio became close friends and kept No. 919 a secret from anyone who worked for Quevee’s Squadron. No. 919 eventually got a true name which became Dusk. He, Conrade and Ghoul would practice training with one another and had fun. Specifically Ghoul begun to feel feelings with Dusk after being with him for a year. He seem to give her hope for a future, maybe that something good was outside the canyon cliffs of the Labyrinth once they were trained to the fullest. The more she thought about the outside world, the more she wondered where she came from. This was a feeling she knew that she was the only one who could answer this. Despite it all Dusk and Shirito got close to one another romantically. This all provided Ghoul difficulty in keeping it all a secret while at work. Through it all, her independence from Quevee grew, and she became distant to him, spending most of her duties elsewhere instead of her job for the gang. Little did she know, Sir Kiosh was always watching their every move. 

Deciding that it was time for them to leave and find a life outside the walls, how much she wanted to leave with to find her past. Dusk seemed hesitant in the idea of breaking protocol and heading outside the gates. Although, Ghoul insisted to break out of the Labyrinth, with that she decided to sneak into her foster father’s office and gain information about the Labyrinth exits. From there she got the information she needed to set up a way to escape, the best time was at midnight when majority of Q-Steins were asleep. The guards and patrol routes were spread thin. Supplies were packed to their tanks. She left a message for Quevee, not ever saying a word to him about what she was up to. Though, she had some regret, but she saw herself as old enough to fend for herself and finally be free to explore the world. Dusk and Ghoul’s plan worked, leading them to the world above the canyon walls of the Labyrinth. They made their get away quickly. Although, there was one problem, a map. Unfortunately the only bit of information that Ghoul could not get as there was no available from Quevee’s materials. Using the basic techniques to identify a sense of direction, they headed westward. The Q-Stein territory was treacherous and full of mountains, cliff-sides, and emptiness. It was clear that it was the badlands where nothing could thrive in since the conditions and food were so poor. Eventually, doubts washed over Dusk, in which Ghoul attempted to keep pushing him to keep going with her. Several days past until Dusk finally had enough and explained that he didn’t want to partake in the journey anymore. They got into a fight which lead for Dusk leaving her, and deciding to head back to the Labyrinth. Ghoul could not understand, after everything they went through, Dusk didn’t understand why it was so important for her to find out where she came from. She waited to see if he would come back, but ended up pushing forward, reaching into more dangerous paths alone. Hoping to find someone or something.

At this point, the many days went past, supplies was getting low and the area continued to grow colder and colder. The barren lands were clearly unforgiving for someone alone and lacked knowledge of human survival, especially of a weak heart. Suddenly, artillery fire peppered her location, which caused the narrow path she was on to crumble and break. For once she felt fear as she struggled. She was confronted by calls of the Q-Steins, seeing her colors as a threat of a spy. Her eager self to become better had now struck against her once more, but this time, it was the end. Now she saw why Lieutenant General Voroshiro sought to keep her confined in the Labyrinth. The outside world was not safe for her. Nor as it ever been. The attack on her positioned caused the cliffside to crumble and release from under the heavy fire. 

She fell roughly 44ft down the cliffside.

Human Wise: Ghoul had attempted to try to make a leap of faith out of her vehicle, but her foot was caught on the hatch. Upon impact, she had sustained life threatening injuries. Her legs had been crushed by her tank, her torso torn and ripped open. By some miracle she remained conscious. The tank itself was on its side and completely immobile with the tracks torn off. The turret itself had detached from the vehicle which ended up crushing “Ghoul”.

Choro-Q Wise: Ghoul’s hull had sustained multiple oil leakages from the tumble down the side. Her tracks were broken and her inner machinery was cracked or broken. Her ability to move was limited.

Overall, her life faded before her, as she accepted her fate. Eventually she was greeted by Dusk, out of her surprise. Yet, this angered her. Dusk tried to apologize and offer his help, but in the end she drove him off with whatever effort she had left to pull herself upright, ignoring everything that was falling apart. Angry at his abandonment and unable to relate to her, she drove the young teen away, unable to stand that he had ruined her entire life before collapsing onto the floor. She didn’t want help anymore, she didn’t want anyone. Her memories slowly flooding in. Everything was happening again. Except all that’s left was her bleeding out and dying with no one to help her. All she knew was that, life had always been unfair to her, and that this was the end. At least... she thought it was, until she was approached by some shadowy figures. There someone stood, a strange figure who wasn’t the usual type of Q-Stein or anyone she had ever seen, but she couldn’t make out in her dying moments and burred vision. The man seem to study her, as if mocking her state, unconcerned of her quickened rate of death. The man spoke, calling her an unfortunate soul that had lost her way. Lacked any meaning of existence and sustainability. At this point she was beginning to fade out, struggling to listen to the man’s jumbo jumbo. Then the strange figure asked her a question that she could hear, almost in near death. An offer for a new life. An offer to finally fulfill anything she could ever wanted. If she wanted a chance to live a longer life, one that she could ever want, one of power, and nothing else but it, but, this life came with a consequence that is unstated, that she didn’t think about. Desperate not to leave this world, despite not knowing in what way could this man have that could keep her alive, she was willing to take the fate crafted by the mysterious figure. She wanted to prove she meant something to those who threw her to the ground, to show her wrath of what they had done to her, to show she meant something and could do something. Just like what her mother did, fight strong, and make sure no one ever got in her way. The contract of a mortal and the entity from hell was forever made.

The many months went by, leaving her chained, unable to move. While her younger memories had came back to her partly, revealing her name and who she was really, her current memories didn’t feel linear. She didn’t know how long she had been in the white room. She didn’t understand why there was fluids of death all over the floor. These months of isolation tore her former personality apart. At first she thought it was hell itself, but it couldn’t be. It wasn’t when she was finally lowered to ground floor and approached by a mysterious figure for what felt like the first time she had social intersection. Though, something about this interaction felt off to her. An urge deep inside kept festering within the moments that felt like hours. This was when she found out, she had become the spawn of hell itself. A killing machine. Some evil that festered and controlled her, the urge to feed the kill. The cravings were too strong to her, around anyone and anything that was a living being had to be killed and broken down into pieces, consumed, reduced to nothingness. Thus the years onward of training came to be. Attempting to neutralize those cravings, for her sake, but especially M.A.D.Special’s whom her soul was now bound to until his death.

Chained for years until synthetic medicine was developed for her to reduce her cravings and make them more bearable for her to suffer through. She shifted her life forward, back into the ranks of training as a Q-Stein soldier, but by proper instructors and in a proper squadron. She struggled through it all, many saw her as a trouble girl, sneered at her, robbed her belongings, struck her because she wasn’t originally a Q-Stein at birth. What a sweet little girl she use to be. But her personality shifted and faded into a dark and cold state. Blamed for everything, shot down, shattered and battered. Shirito built herself a quiet persona of her original self. Bitter at life. Bitter at everything.

Kurstoff Rodeschild-Ramsford
Kurstoff is Shirito’s mother, one of the greatest spymasters of Q-Stein and also known as Experiment No. 002, The Prototype. As a young child, Shirito could always sense that Kurstoff was always troubled and was always injuring herself. While Shirito didn’t understand, she always stayed close to Kurstoff until the day she ‘died.’ Since the day, she kept a turtle plushie close to her that had a picture of Kurstoff and her kept in its pouch. Shirito’s first encounter with Kurstoff in Q-Stein was towards the end of the war. She was being mind controlled by the Emperor of Q-Stein who had forcefully placed a neuro-connecting helmet onto her head, in order to harness the power of the Black Dragon that lived within Shirito. When Shirito woke up from her coma, she was furious to find out that her own mother had saved her this one time but was always alive. She would blame her mother for not doing anything to better her life or protect her, and even telling the truth. She also shunned her for manipulating and helping Shirito succeed in her training and promotions in the background through her hacking ways. As pissed as she was, she was mostly hurt, despite hurting her own mother. Though in the end she was overpowered by her surprisingly strong strength, showing Shirito that while she was empowered by a god, she could be easily overpowered even in her own control of her head. With that, Shirito decided to never forgive Kurstoff, or at least say it out loud, disowning her as her beloved mother she had dearly missed. The next time Shirito ran into her was when she was rigged up with some Q-Stein neuro-technology by General Lusamine during the collapse of the Q-Stein Empire. Shirito manages to supposively free Kurstoff from the control only to realize it was Kurstoff’s decision to fight and die and that she was listening to orders as she was ‘programmed’ to do. Though, Shirito couldn’t bring herself to end Kurstoff and vice versa leading to a stand off. Eventually Kurstoff at one point ends up sacrificing herself to protect Shirito from the empowered Wolff’s attacks one last time before her mangled systems finally gave out.

Chromius Rodeschild
Chromius was Shirito’s rather serious father who became severely depressed after the ‘supposed passing’ of Kurstoff. Shirito always had a strained relationship with him, always being told that she couldn’t join the military like her twin brother and whatever she wanted to do when it comes to going outside. It was all because of his concern of her health (her weak heart) and her personal safety (being a child of the Rodeschild). He was also a man who spent little time with his own children due to being an advisor to the king and the general and lead engineer of the Proton kingdom. One day she ignored Chromius’s warnings and went out on her own to help some folks only to find out they had manipulated her kindness to kidnap herx When she was kidnapped, he chose not to save Shirito from the Q-Steins during a barter deal leaving Shirito to suffer at the ends of the Q-Steins who tortured her. In the end that also marked the day she disowned her own father and hated him. This hate grew stronger when she was revived by the Black Dragon and vowed to kill him. She eventually ran into Chromius years later in the snow plains of the Proton Kingdom. He was injured, and she dared to kill him but couldn’t. She brought him secretly back to Q-Stein to MAD’s lab before returning to the war, barely speaking to him, not wanting anything to do with her estranged father who had been outcasted and tricked by the king. She felt the punishment was enough to show him how she felt when he abandoned her to the wolves. Eventually they were forced to ally with one another during the fall of the Q-Stein Empire in order to rid of the Q-Stein Loyalist.

Katerina Uillova Dzhugazhvili 
Katerina is an officer of the Arstotzkan Army whom infiltrated Q-Stein to exact her revenge. She had met Marshal Conrade Volzol who introduced her to Shirito during her time at Magiscopic. Shirito, as oblivious as she was, did not realize Katerina was a supposive spy and let her tag along with her ‘missions’ which were disobeying General Wolff and Lusamine's orders to go to the front lines of the war. Overtime the two grew a bond with one another despite Shirito’s rather frustrated brooding attitude and Katerina not being able to put up with her shit some days. Shirito eventually begun to develop feelings for the arstotzkan kitsune infiltrator but was never able to admit it. Eventually she would fall back to Arstotzka for assistance for destroying the Q-Stein Loyalist after what they had done to her and provide a base of operations.

Dusk “Experiment No. 919, The Immortal” Quantum
No. 919, eventually being named Dusk, was a strange fella in the Labyrinth that Shirito met during her time of amnesia, caused by the effects of being placed into prolonged stasis. He was different from all the others that the QV squadron had trained in the Labyrinth. His curiosity and personality perked her interest. She soon dedicated her time and resources in training. While being in this squadron, she knew that Dusk was eventually going to be killed by her group due to their extremist views of ridding the weak Tank Destroyers and Turretless. Therefore, manage to convince Quevee Voroshiro, the leader of the squadron, to make an exception to to much weaker Dusk. Overtime, she and Dusk begun to fall in love with each other (which was mostly one sided to her understanding as Dusk lacked the understanding of what love was). Eventually, when she regained her memories from a trigger caused by Dusk, she wanted to head back to the Proton Kingdom. Dusk was hesitant to go with her, but was peer pressured into helping Shirito get home. The duo managed to sneak out of The Labyrinth, and make their journey across the rigid lands of Q-Stein.

Rodesushiruto “Rodesu” Rodeschild

Conrade “No. 854” Volzol

M.A.D. Special

Gryll “Experiment No. 915, The Blast Furnace” Sentinel

Quevee Voroshiro
Quevee Voroshiro was Shirito's foster father in the Q-Stein Empire. He was the one who found her within the stasis chamber and went to try to improve her health afterwards. With M.A.D.'s help, he was able to obtain falsified documents to allow Shirito to integrate into the Q-Stein society. Although, at this time, Voroshiro never realized Shirito was Shirito, the daughter of a former friend of his.

Friedrich Lusamine

Derek Wolff

Syrus Ahmadi

Dan Jevons

Richard Germinaro

The Q-Stein Emperor

Sir Kiyosh

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