The Spilled



2 years, 2 months ago


used in the group VireSpecies on deviantart

also added a tl;dr section in the description farther down, might be useful for the november prompt!

please note that the creatures are called "spilled" or "unblessed", NOT "spill"! aka "the" is optional, but "...ed" is not

f.e: "I've seen one of the spilled yesterday."
"what do we do if more spilled reach the surface and overrun us?"
"from what I know, the unblessed cannot survive in sunlight"
"unblessed are known for being blind, use that to your advantage!"

to avoid saying their name too much in stories you can also say something along the lines of "beast", "creature", "monster", "snake", "serpent", maybe even "golem" or "dark lurker". you can get creative with that, as long as it fits them^^

This monster has been lurking underground for as long as common Vires existed. The beasts known as "the spilled", sometimes called "the unblessed", have a similar origin to the creatures living on the surface. As the twin moons Visceron and Vicarian fought each other for Vishess' attention, the blood not only spilled on the ground but also seeped into the soil and through the cracks. The goddess' tears, which gave life to the eggs could not reach that far down though and the blood remained untouched. The strong, supernatural power coming off of them flowed through the rocks of the caverns, combining with them and the eggs hatched, releasing creatures that had never seen the light before. their different look is originating in the strong feeling of jealousy and wrath contained in the blood and without the tears of mercy, only an abomination could be born.

Captured under tons of rocks, they were closed off from vires for ages, only being released by a specific event. on one of the nights the twin moons were allowed to meet, an earthquake shook the world and a crack opened up, a passage for the spilled opening up for them to make their way to the surface. But they are certainly not the kind of living beings you wanna meet when you're alone.

the spilled are blind and, because they have not been blessed by the sun goddess, their skin burns in direct sunlight, so they're usually only found during bad weather or nighttime, but only rarely on the surface still and mostly underground. Their bodies are snake like with thick skin and blueish color, inherited from visceron. the rocks are part of their bodies, making them difficult to attack as those parts are invulnerable. the magical purple glow coming from the inside is part of vicarions legacy and remnant of the gods magic.
unblessed can grow all their life, their snake bodies getting longer, while new and larger rocks merge with them. their cells never break down and they cannot die from old age, so the most common cause of death is not being able to sustain their huge bodies anymore and starving, but because of their size, they also occasionally get stuck somewhere or have an overall hard time navigating through areas. they feed on anything they can find, no matter how large or dangerous it is and even consume minerals and gems. but their carelessness results in the areas they inhabit to become unable to live for other creatures, as the ground keeps shaking under their brawls and anything that moves is killed, so wherever they go, devastation comes with them. they are solitary creatures and hardly ever seen in groups, except deep underground. spilled are very territorial and attack quickly, so caution is advised!

the life underground and lack of mercy in their creation has kept them from developing as vires did and they act like wild animals, not having built a society or hierarchy over time. they can communicate with each other though by hissing, growling and clicking sounds. despite their look, they do not possess magic powers, but they are physically extremely strong. their jaws can break bones easily and their heavy fists can smash anything in their way, but they are slow and unable to swim because of their weight. some have been found drowned at the bottom of lakes too. with their scorpion-like tail, a remnant that would've evolved into a poison gland but was disrupted beforehand, they can also smash and whirl around and the rock spike at the end is very sharp and can slash up all kinds of things and beings.
if a vire notices the ground shaking and a deep rumble getting louder quickly, they should run away fast, getting much distance between them or finding a deep body of water. climbing on trees is not a way to escape their grasp as the monsters quickly rip out trees if they find someone hiding on top of it.

overall this is a new, still unknown and rarely seen, but powerful species the vires will have to brace themselves for, or the surface will be overrun by the spilled, taking over the paradise they were barred from.

too long, didn't read:

(strengths bold, weaknesses underlined)

_these monsters are called the spilled / unblessed
_they are descendants of the gods too
_the are not very well developed and not intelligent at all, but very wild and aggressive
_they can communicate with each other, but are territorial and fight with their own kin
_they are very heavy, slow and prone to drowning
_their immense power makes them strong opponents which can easily break bones and rip out trees
_they mostly attack with their fists and tails
_the stone armor on their body is impossible to break but their skin is soft and burns in sunlight
_they hunt anything that moves and eat ores/minerals too
_they are completely blind and hardly ever seen on the surface of the world, as they live underground
_they grow all of their lives, often becoming too large to navigate through areas, getting stuck, and usually die from starvation when they are too big to catch enough prey
_with their behavior and constant fights, they live mostly in solitary, often destroying the territories they live in, which forces them to move on to a different place
_they possess no magic or venom
_they are only very rarely encountered, more myth than true danger, but constantly lurking underneath the vires paws. many don't believe they truly exist, thinking they're just scary stories, as they have never seen one of the spilled before