Hazel's Comments

this design is absolutely gorgeous, how much money would you prefer for this kitty? if it's in the higher range (understandable if so!!) I might offer a drawing or a drawing plus some muns if it would add up to what you'd like :> I don't have any recent art posted to my page but I can send you a link to one of my recent pieces to see if you'd be interested in that! lemmy know whenever you have the time <33

ahh thank you!! i dont currently have a set price in mind, what do you think would be fair?:3

so sorry!! wasn't ignoring you, just been a busy past few days. anyhoot! hmmm..... well including everything from the design to the additional art pieces id say maybe somewhere around $25? or give or take depending on what you feel is fair. im sorry im not that great at pricing someone else's pieces ^^" however if you think it all deserves more im happy to adjust prices or even toss in some art for you to make up for some of the pricing!

ur all good!!! i think thats fair :333 when ur ready pls send to [email protected] & i'll transfer over the character!!

alrighty all sent! lemmy know if things transfered well or if there were any hiccups :3c

transferred!!! thank u sm!!!:33

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