Viridian 🔫



2 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info

Full name:

Viridian Hue

Nickname(s)/also referred to as:

Viri (Cerulean ONLY), V (mostly Rel, occasionally Rust), Cap/Captain (other Alliance/castle guard members besides Hunter), Hue (Hunter), Big guy (Cobalt and Burgundy)


Fern (father), Chartreuse (Mother-deceased), Pearl (younger adoptive sister)




September 27th




Male; he/him

Favorite color:


Favorite food:

Club sandwich (with extra bacon!)

Left handed or right handed?

Left handed


The unexpected leader of the Valoran Alliance. Viridian, a young man from a small, poor town, only really decided to try and apply for the Valoran defending staff just so he could get good money to help both him and his father scrape by. Viridian had never anticipated getting such a high position with so much responsibility on the line, and never saw himself as much of a leader. He, although reluctant, agreed to take such a role and ended up becoming a better fit for the job than he ever could've imagined. Takes his job serious, sometimes a bit too much to the point where it can keep him up and give him migraines, and will defend others until his dying breath. 

Viridian can be described as a bit more on the shy end, in some respects. Prefers to stay out of the limelight, which really clashes with him being a leader. But once you get to know him, he's a bit of a dork. He loves to talk on and on about his interests or his loved ones whenever given the chance and has a lot of knowledge on things like cartoons and trading cards. When he opens up, he's more talkative and goofy, loving to make others laugh and smile. At the end of the day, he'd rather hear anyone else talk about themselves and smile than him. Is probably the most selfless of the 4 members.

His father, Fern, owes a small store in the middle of their hometown, Pigment, where the two would sell regular everyday tools one may need around the house or to help fix any vehicle, along with some other trinkets. His mother passed when he was only 2 years old, so he has very little memory of her. Growing up, it was just him and Fern. Due to this, the two are very close. There's not much Viridian wouldn't do for his father.

Viridian was the typical quiet kid, growing up. Didn't talk much but would partake in more "dorky" activities; some examples being card collecting, drawing occasionally, watching action/childhood shows, etc. Was secretly a bit "boy crazy" in his teens and even had a huge crush on the prince, due to seeing him on his father's shop tv so much. Loved to doodle both him and Buzz Bunny, another long time love of his, whenever he could.


  • Cerulean  
    The love of Viridian's life. The two started unexpectedly dating sometime soon after Cerulean gave him the leader position for The Alliance. The two were heavily crushing on one another, which resulted in a lot of accidental flirting and awkwardness. After some time, Cerulean took a chance and suggested a relationship between the two, resulting in a very fun and loving relationship. The two are very, very much in love with one another and show it in their own ways. Cerulean is a lot more showy in front of others, being a big fan of PDA much to Viridian's dismay. Viridian is very shy with showing himself be so enamored by another person, however Cerulean doesn't care in the slightest who knows. But behind closed doors, he's very sweet towards him, similar to that of a lovesick puppy. But he'll still tease Cerulean on the daily, one of the biggest ways he shows his love. The two tease each other often as their way of showing affection. As time goes on, Viridian starts to show his love for Cerulean in front of others more and more. At the end of the day, Viridian wants nothing more than to spend the rest of his life with Cerulean. Will protect him by any means and even gets very protective over him. Has wondered countless times if marriage is allowed between the two of them.
  • Rust 
    Viridian's ex boyfriend and current best friend. The two started dating once Rust moved to Valora in his teens, and lasted around 6 months with the both of them realizing that they're better off as just friends. Rust would come over to the store a lot to try and help Fern out while also flustering Viridian at every opportunity. Overall, he cares deeply for Viridian and just wants to help him out while also messing with him when he can. Rust is a very loyal friend who will help Viridian, or "V" as he likes to call him, out whenever necessary. Ever since their teens, Viridian has been slowly but surely educating Rust on all things Buzz Bunny since he's from Amana, a different planet that the series never aired on. The two are also seen hanging out with one another while on the job whenever possible. 
  • Fern 
    Being his loving and loyal father, the two have been inseparable since Viridian's birth. Fern has never had much to his name, but has always done anything and everything he could for his only son. Ever since his mother's passing, it's just been the two of them. Both Viridian and Fern will heavily push themselves for the other no matter what the cost is. Fern is the type of father who will happily invite his son's friends over and provide snacks and beverages while also telling stories of his childhood. Sometimes Viridian worries that Fern can be a bit too innocent or sweet, but is really grateful that he has him. The entire reason he even joined The Alliance was to support his father who spent his whole life doing the same for him.
  • Cobalt  
    A thorn in Viridian's side, a lot of the time. At first the two bicker quite often, what with Viridian having the leader position that Cobalt believes should rightfully be his. However, as time goes on, the two learn a lot about each other and actually end up heavily respecting one another and becoming good friends. Cobalt, having a forced loud, bold and abrasive personality, is the first and only of the group to really challenge Viridian being the captain or having any say on anything. The two can be at each other's throats often, but do deeply admire and care about each other, as much as neither want to admit it. As time goes on, their bond grows and really start to see the value in one another.
  • Hickory 
    The two have only immense respect for one another and see a lot of value in one another that the other fails to see. Hickory really respects and looks up to Viridian, him being the leader he's trained himself to serve his entire life, which Viridian isn't exactly the biggest fan of. He wants him to do more for himself and wishes he wouldn't ask for constant permission or call him things like "sir" or "captain", never saying his name. Viridian see's the both of them as equals, which is a very foreign concept for Hickory. Much like with Cobalt, the two learn to become more comfortable around each other over time while still keeping that respect.
  • Cider 
    Out of everyone on the team, Viridian is possibly most protective over Cider due to his kind heart and small stature. Viridian finds Cider to be very incredible, what with his vast knowledge, creativity, and machinery skills. The two have a very sweet relationship and see a lot of good in one another. Cider is the only one of the group that Viridian will platonically refer to as "hun" or "sweetie" and is always most worried about him getting hurt. You could say Viridian has somewhat of a big brother type role when it comes to Cider.

                                                                                                       Random Trivia

  • Growing up, Viridian collected Buzz Bunny trading cards. He has the largest, most valuable recorded card collection on all of Valora, having every and any rare card you could imagine. 
  • Viridian would also attend card tournaments and was known as one of the big leagues. He has one of his trophies in his room on post, as well as a few bins of his childhood collection.
  • Is (secretly) a huge fan of the Poundcake character, Cheesecake. 
  • Was a very talented artist, growing up. Didn't draw very often but when he did he was incredible, but all he drew was Buzz Bunny and Prince Cerulean. Is incredibly embarrassed by this fact and doesn't want Cerulean to know; only his dad and the rest of the Alliance group knows (much to his dismay).
  • Had a very big fascination with dinosaurs, growing up. 
  • Is the only member to hate his Alliance uniform
  • His favorite food is a simple club sandwich.
  • His ears are very sensitive; doesn't like them to be touched, even though everyone wants to cause of how soft and fluffy they are.
  • Doesn't like to swear in front of his dad
  • Got his eyebrow scar from Hunter during Alliance tryouts
  • Has scars on his chest and his back.
  • Has a lot of guilt for leaving his father alone
  • Is the only one of the 4 Alliance members to have grown up poor; the other 3 were very lucky (in a financial sense) with their upbringing.
  • Seems to have a thing for more... flamboyant men.
  • Played a little guitar, in his teens. Rust taught him!
  • Has a soft spot for cute things.
  • Is a bad liar; his tell is that his eye twitches whenever he tries.