


2 years, 4 months ago


Pyratial (Dragonkind)
September 2nd






Friendly . Curious . Talkative

Being around humans so much, he's gained a rather rowdy personality. Much to the chagrin of his species who see him, he does spend evenings out and about, hanging out with the normal common people he's befriended- of which there are many. He finds it extremely easy to make friends, and loves being around people. He can talk about just about anything to someone he just met for hours. He probably knows the names of half the people in the city.


  • Gold and Jewelery
  • Making friends
  • Alcoholic drinks

  • Heavy Rain
  • Buzzkills
  • Insults and negative comments
Epic quote time.

  • Loves gold and jewels. Will follow you to the ends of the earth if you give him suitable gifts.
  • His tail is quite strong, he can lean on it if he wants to rest from standing for a while
  • He finds it hard to connect to others of his kind, though it's not like he really tries. He's content among people.
Design Notes

  • Gold flecks and most of the gold on his body is paint or makeup, and shimmers similar to gold.
  • content
  • content

Unlike the rest of his kind, who typically keep to their own, never interacting directly with people, Cerdic was raised around humans. His job was to work as an intermediary between his own kind and one of the nearest human cities. To fit in the best, he was traded back and forwards through his childhood, spending a year or two with his own people, then a year or two with humans. He much preferred humans, they tended to be more loose, easy to talk to and much more fun.


His teens were filled with study- lots of long, boring study. He needed to know multiple languages, communication skills, complicated courtesy of several wildly different regions. It was frustrating, to say the least. Whenever he was left alone, he would try to sneak out to fool around with the many friends he'd made. Some of the things he and his friends got up to were... perhaps less than legal


Finally being let free was a relief, though he was constantly given new orders to travel between different places whenever negotiatiation were needed. He eventually met Silas, performing in front of the bar he was getting a bit tipsy in with some mates, and he tried getting to know him between songs. He thought he was successful and enjoyed the boys company and they continued hanging out, even after Silas discovered what his Deity was. Cerdic is pretty much the only person who still actively tries to hang around Silas.
When Silas went rogue, Cerdic was one of the few who decided to go looking for him, and eventually who tried to talk him down from any rash actions he might take. But Silas seemed very convicted in what he needed to and no amount of convincing would help


  • Cerdic was raised half with humans and half with his own kind
  • His teenage years were filled with an equal mix of study and sneaking out to hang with friends
  • Met Silas in a bar where he was performing one time, and they became friends
  • When Silas went rogue, Cerdic went searching for him, unsuccessfully trying to convince him to stop what he was doing
code by jiko | background by @ user