Peach Perfect



6 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Peach Perfect










Peach's parents became I'll just after she was born, the mother didn't even leave the hospital, just changed her room from the maternity to the illness center. Her father became sick at the same time. Years after their death Peach looked into their autopsy results, finding out that the food her mother received post Peach's birth was intentionally poisoned. Due to the fact the poison was baked in with the food she ate it prolonged the effects. 
After the death she was immediately sent to an orphanage, raised and taught in the poor conditions of most orphanages she grew a strong immune system. From this, Peachy grew up bouncing from orphanage to orphanage until she grew to the adult age. She made a great friend who is a model nicknamed Amy. She sought out a job so she could put her talent to use. While remaining friends, she found a job working as a secretary for an older stallion. And being naïve from her time in sheltered orphanages, he easily seduced her into falling in love. Amy saw red flags popping up everywhere and warned Peach to not stay with him, how ever she was to infatuated with false love she thought was real. Their relationship escalated to an overly intimate relationship, is was safe for a time. Until her boss grew greedy and lustful, blackmailing her into doing unsafe uncomfortable things. It took a year of this to see that it wasn't love but was lust and greed. All a lie, Amy was right.
After this realization Peachy became incredibly depressed, and wished for a way to disappear, even contemplating suicide. She wanted to start over a new pony a new life. Amy being a rich model used her influence to have everyone who knew her or ever saw her to "forget about it" all except the boss who eventually went crazy. with that she moved to Baltimare with Amy and started a new.