Bad Luck Basil



2 years, 3 months ago


Bad Luck Basil
Young Adult
Male (Trans) (He/Him)
Doesn't Know
Traveling Musician
Voice Claim


Laid-Back • Nimble • Apathetic • Unlucky

A Laid-back little musician who travels the countryside. Playing bouncy tunes on his makeshift fiddle for anyone both willing to listen, and willing to tip. When he's not playing he's usally napping, or snacking on some food he may or may not have stole. Hey, plucky tunes don't always pay, and he's gotta make ends meet somehow.

He tends not to stay in one place for long. Not because he wants to leave, but because he usually gets run out of town by the end of the week. While his occasional theft doesn't help, what really gets people turning on him is due to his bad luck. Mirrors shattering, tools falling apart, floors caving in wherever you stand. Anyone who gets close to Basil starts to have their luck turn for the worse. It's not his fault, really, he's been like this since he was a kitten, but a lifetime of bad luck leaves you a little apathetic to this kind of thing.


  • Improvising Tunes
  • Smoked Salmon
  • Pronouncing the "L" in Salmon
  • 12 hour naps


  • Lemon Pastries
  • Staying in One Place Too Long
  • Leeches
  • Tough Crowds


Basil's been a vagabond for as long as he can remember. Mosying around from place to place, playing tunes on his handmade fiddle for all the kind folk who care to listen. When he's not performing on the streets he's either napping in the shade, trying to snag a bite to eat, or just doing anything that doesn't involve being around others. While he'd love to stop and mingle with the locals for a bit, he'd rather do it as a no-name musician. Unfortunately, whenever he walks into town he can already hear folks call his name:

"Watch out," They cry, "here comes Bad Luck Basil!". Ever since he was a tiny kitten bad luck seemed to follow him around, like a stray dog you don't even remember feeding. While he's gotten used to pots falling on his head and stepping on rakes wherever he walks, Basil can't say the same for everyone else. His record for "Longest He's Been in a Town" is seven days and 6 hours. Yes, he was counting.

While he doesn't show it, hiding behind his easygoing couldn't-care-less attitude, Basil is incredibly lonely, only ever showing this side of himself when no one's looking. He vents out his sorrow in the few songs he's never sung in public. After living like this for long enough he'd succumb to being a walking disaster forever. However, little did he know that crashing in the barn of a kind and incredibly stubborn farmgirl while taking shelter from a storm would change his life for the better.


• Which side of his face his little fang and whiskers are on entirely depends on the camera angle.

• His whiskers are meant to insinuate a small moustache.

• The four buttons on his pants are an attempt at adding some sort of bad luck aspect to his design other than being a black cat.

• His scarf is slightly torn at the ends.


• He taught himself carpentry and handywork. As mentioned in his description, he made his fiddle himself.

• His fiddle was originally going to be a guitar, but I decided on a fiddle instead. Both because haha, cat and the fiddle, and due to me associating him with Andrew Bird.

• A prototype of his design can be seen as a plushie in my carnival piece.



Gracie Goat

Gracie has become Basil's closest (and only) friend. Plus, she lets him crash at her farm. She's the only person who's actively tried to find either a workaround or a cure for his bad luck. Unfortunately, smothering him with every good luck charm Gracie owns hasn't really worked yet.


Clement the Cultist

Basil never caught the guy's name, but he's seen him sneaking around town more than once. The cloaked figure's stature is pretty intimidating, so he tries to ignore him when he can. But there's something about the guy that's weirdly familiar...


Cult Members

He doesn't really understand why these guys keep sneaking around town in their spooky robes, but they seem to enjoy his music a lot. And they leave good tips, so to each their own, right?



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