


6 years, 10 months ago


Female, formerly a clanless loner, now a ThunderClan elder

 Old Bridge has lived on the steets, on the moor, in the forest; and now she resides in ThunderClan, as their only current elder.
She's currently recovering from a wound on her leg that she obtained from attacking a traitorous ex-ThunderClan cat, after watching the cat's attempted murder of a ThunderClan apprentice.

Some important/memorable moments from the roleplay:

•An old she-cat watches the gathering from a hidden location. She can hardly hide her disgust as she spies that scarred cat, a murderer. She herself left some of those scars on the cat after witnessing the murder. She quickly grooms some wounds she got in return from the cat, then swiftly gets up and slinks away, leaving the gathering cats behind.•

•Almost immediately after she shifts into a comfortable position, she hears mewling noises coming from outside of her den. What in the name of the River Fey is this? she questions, grumbling. The elder drags herself out of her den, to come face to face with a kitten. Her whiskers twitch. Did ThunderClan lose one of their kits? The memory of the kindly mother-cats comes to mind, and she looks down at the kitten, pityingly. One kind act deserves another, she always says. The old cat gingerly picks up the kit, bringing it into her den. When she's feeling stronger, she'll seek out the clan cats and return the kit. But, for now, she'll keep the kitten safe and warm and fed. It's far too cold for a young'n like this one to be wandering out in the snow.•

•"Well, I was just think'n. I've spent a lot of time on my own, keepin' myself alive, but for what? Just to die alone in my den, with no one to remember me. But I keep running into you cats, and you keep showing me kindness. So I was thinking maybe I could...stay."•

•"My name is Bridge. You must be the leader of these cats. Your cats have shown me kindness several times, and I want to join."•

•The she-cat lets a sly smile cross her face. "Okay, you've got me. I'm not from here either. I used to live on my own, in this forest. But before that, even, I lived on the streets. And now I'm here, to spend out my last days with these cats."•

•Bridge smiles once more. "I'll tell you my story if you tell me yours."
And so the two cats, both outsiders in their new clan, share their tales. They find a sense of comfort in similar experience, even with a situation so different from what they're used to.•