Ashe Aergia (SDS)



1 year, 7 months ago


This is just a split-tab so I can link his profile to the deadly sins folder! Please check out his main profile to see all art of him <33


Ashe Aergia

age 21

gender male

pronouns he/him

sexuality demiro/sexual

species human

role sin of sloth

magic blue fire

Code octopi

My second main OC!!

Universe somewhat inspired from Black Clover

Ashe is one of the leaders of a group which consists of Mage/Magical Knights titled as the Seven Deadly Sins. He holds the title of being the Sin of Sloth

He doesn't get along with some people because he's mostly not easy to read, and not really a people person in general, but he actually tries and listen when someone talks to him. While that may be, he won't hold back with what he thinks of someone and is blunt with his words, he has no "filter". So if you see him as either rude or cold, that's because he is.

He sometimes like working alone if the job he has to do is something really quick as he's really swift and quick with how he moves.

The book he carries allows him to summon and control his powers which are blue fire. But tries not to use it as much as possible and mostly does physical combat and uses his speed to his advantage.

Random Informations

  • Ashe literally means nothing and is just a name I really liked. Aergia on the other hand is Greek Mythology's personification of laziness, idleness, indolence and sloth.
  • He is very diligent to his missions/job, and prefers to finish them as soon as he got them, which sometimes makes him look like he's doing nothing/being lazy when he's relaxing/sleeping (most of the time), but he actually already finished them earlier lol.
  • BARELY audible footsteps.
  • Doesn't know how to smile. And it would look like he's about to commit murder if he forced himself to smile. lol
  • Hates alcohol, and he openly shows his strong opinion on disliking of it.
  • LOVES cold drinks, and cold drinks only. Any beverages is fine as long as there's no alcohol, no matter the percent.

relationships with the sins


Aeso Blazh • "rivals"

Already knew each other way before being magic knights, must be one of the reasons they get along, sometimes.


Vynea Revel • parental figure

Oddly comfortable around her, he sometimes opens up to her. He hates her drinking problem though.


Pride • not that close

Always turn awkward between the two of them, whenever they're alone in the same place.


Enyo Drystan • ""



Leslie Elin • ""



Livi Cozbi • relationship
