Arosane ( Aros )



8 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info

✦ Name :

Arosane ( Prefers to be called Aros )

✦ Crystal / Stone :

✦ CARNELIAN ✦ : Protector | Gentle Strength | Courage | Unbridled Passion | Sexuality | Fertility | Spiritual & Sexual Attraction & Freedom

✦ Nicknames :

" Fluffy " | Fluffy Butt " ( only from his partners ♥︎ )

✦ Race / Species :

Draconian | Dragon Mother / Human Father |

✦ Body Features :

Stud Earrings | Freckles | Small Horns | Very Soft Hair and Tail | Scars - Right Arm, Right Thigh, Right Hip, Right Side of Ribcage, Chest

✦ Height :

6'7" [ TALL BOI ]

✦ Likes :

Naps | Breakfast | Spending Time With His Partners | His Cockatrices | Sweets |

✦ Dislikes :

Having Attention on Him ( only from partners ♥︎ ) | Needles | People touching his hair or tail unless its from his partners


100% Authentic Certified Soft Boi 

 Son of a fertility goddess, youngest of three. 

✦ ✦ 

The Forever  "  >:|  " face. A smile is rare so savor it while you can.

✦ Hair is usually down and loose. He will tie it back with silk ribbons sometimes. DOES NOT LIKE HAIR CUTS.

✦ He is instinctively protective of children.

✦ The " strong, silent " a softy boi trope for sure.

✦ Not very talkative. He grew up pretty isolated with no one to really talk to ( other than his brother ) so its not something he's used to doing.

 Likes head scritchies and head rubs but would rather DIE than admit that out loud.

✦ His scars are from being mauled by a beast and because of this he now has blood poisoning. This illness can sometimes result in mood swings caused by pain

✦ He has 4 Cockatrice. His brother gifted them as chicks when he was young ; for him to have some sort of companionship whilst being raised in isolation. They are his babies and he loves them dearly.


Adalade - Mother

Rayvin - Eldest Brother

Cadel - Older Brother