
2 years, 4 months ago


Lily Cover

01 — Profile

Name Haneki
Nicknames Nini, fluffy tengu
Age 101 y.o
Gender Female ( she/her )
Height 1m85
Birthdate 13st of April 1921
Race Aerian Neya
Orientation. Polyamorous
Occupation Guardian/Mother

Status NFS
Designer SusanneShimoda
Worth 80$
  • She has dwarfism! Don't hesitate to draw her smaller than Kyonyu.

  • She has double pair of wings.

  • She has no nose!

  • The red lines are tattoos and are not optionals.

  • She has paw pads on her bird feets.

  • Her green fur allow her to hide in the bushes or on pine tree branches.

02 — Personality

She is really strict towards others and seems mean, but she is actually really sweet when you're close to her. It takes her months to open up, to communicate her feelings to others, and she is really reserved and restricts herself.

She tends to get annoyed pretty easily and will state those feelings clearly to the person bothering her.

Haneki is very protective towards her loved one and is scared to lose them. She doesn't show her affection through acts but mostly with words.

  • Butteflies and lizards

  • Snow

  • Flying

  • Storms

  • poachers

  • Loud Spaces

  • sweet food

  • being locked up in a cage

03 — Background


She was abandonned in the forest when she was little and was picked up by Master Tengu.

Haneki was living by herself at 5 y.o. in the forest and almost died from starvation before being picked up by Master Tengu.


After being taken in by Master Tengu, she was educated strictly and has been taught Tengu traditions and lifestyle.

Master Tengu taught her how to be respectful towards nature and animals, to adapt herself to a routine, and to follow traditions. She lived with her Master and had no friends, so she isn't strong at interacting socially.


She is really loyal to her master and higly respects him, as a thanks for keeping her with him.

Haneki is now living a peaceful life with Kyonyu and her dear family and is enjoying small and insignificant moments of her life.

04 — Trivia

  • She is really hygienic and often cleans the dust of traditional temples in the forest or in her house.

  • She is touch-starved and doesn't admit it out loud. Hugs, kisses or even more, she likes being the center of attention in her private sphere.

  • She has developped a strong maternal instincts for people who are close from here and which she cares for.

  • Her favorite dish is homemade rice omelette.

  • She has developped a fear of guns, fire during WWII events in the Pyrenees

05 — Relationships


They already met when they were kids, and he saved her from poachers. She was annoyed at him at first but she quickly realised he was deeply caring for her and giving her affection.

She felt in love with him and decided to found a family with him, even though Master Tengu disagreed a lot when it came to him, since he was raised by an oni, natural rivals of tengus.


She met him recently and helped him escaping human poachers.

They started to meet and became friend quickly. They frequently hang out together near lakes and talk about their life. Haneki can tell problems she doesn't feel to say to Kyonyu and he tries his best to cheer her up, even though Kyonyu is persuading her to stop meeting him, thinking he wants to take her away from him. She is quite desesperated from Kyonyu's level of jealousy.


They were together during her young adult period and they were the perfect couple.

They were made for each other, but fate decided her otherwise. They had to break up due to their relative's pression and couldn't see each other anymore. Since this period they haven't seen each other, and Haneki miss her a lot and would adore to see her again.


Since she was on Kyonyu's side when both were ennemies, she considered him as mean and evil.

She was the one who stopped both from killing each other in battles, pointing out how stupid their rivalry was and they actually agreed on this and became friends. She is somewhat grateful to Gala, he is like a brother and a good uncle for her kids and can always count on him and Lars to take care of them when she is on a date with her mate.


She knows him by sight knows him a little. She actually trusts him, because she is wary he is a good friend of Gala.

They ever talked much, but she lets him have fun and keep a close eye on her kids alongside with Gala when she is not at home with Kyonyu.

pagedoll by myself