


2 years, 3 months ago



Name Nettle

Gender Female

Age Mature Adult

Race Uncommon Cathedralwing

Orientation Pansexual

Occupation Homeless

Residence Tree Alcove

Worth Unknown

Designer Moody Blues

Design Notes

  • Long bodied with nimble legs.
  • Antlers modeled after a mature mule deer. wings juvenile eastern bluebird.
  • Always has a pair of wings at ears, on neck, at shoulders, and at base of tail. neck vent under neck wings is required.
  • Eyes are dark with a golden hue. 'doe eyes' you could say. has a beauty spot under left eye only.
  • Alwears wears her round glasses. Wears wooden hoop earrings has wrapped sections on her horns and silver beads with her baby's feathers attached. Glasses mandatory but other accessories are optional.



Incredibly sweet and big-hearted. a very soft spoken gal but when truly enraged she can cause some damage. after losing her baby she became withdrawn and prone to breakdowns, but could easily become entertained by the antics of youngins' that reminded her of her little Thistle. When with someone she cares for she is compassionate and sweet, not a shy lover but enjoys sweet talking. Voice is a medium pitch and smooth.


  • Willow trees
  • Foggy Mornings
  • Baby anything
  • The smell of pine.


  • Snakes
  • Heavy wind
  • Harsh sunlight
  • large crowds


Nettle starts her story in a meager Cathedral village that bordered the high desert. Mated with a male once of age to follow the tradition of her village, Nettle's small family soon became with the promise of a new life. before the small silvery egg was to hatch, Nettle's arranged mate had become infatuated with another female, and after confrontation he attempted to smash the egg where it rested safely. Nettle defended her unborn child and ripped the headwings off of her ex-mate. Now on her own, Nettle raised her baby Thistle the best she could during a slowly growing drought. as the conditions continued becoming worse, members of the village began to pack up their belongings and try for the long journey across the empty and barren plains for the villages in the north. Right as Nettle began to prepare for the journey, Thistle fell ill and incapable of travel. Nettle stayed with her sick baby in her slowly emptying village until she was last to remain. Even after her darling passed to see Mother Willow, Nettle remained.

Nettle only left the resting place of her child when the remaining water finally dried up, and trecked the dry dirt and dead plants as she was too weak to fly. borderline starving to death, the grass soon began to gain color and the ground soft with fresh rain. The forested territory granted fresh water and easy prey for Nettle to regain her strength. when she reached the edge of a clearing that bordered one of the Northern villages, the sight of younglings frolicking through the outskirts of town caused her so much sadness she couldnt bear to enter the village.

An alcove where a large willow tree had grown over a rock that had shifted and rollen away from erosion is where Nettle resides, and the younglings of the town gossip and tell tall tales of the spirit that haunts the woods, its horns like Mother Willows branches reaching to the heavens that cries in the night.

