


6 years, 7 months ago


Don't you want to? Don't you want to be the one?

the incarnate of envy. at the outset, though, elias isn't particularly indicative of the sin he represents: he's timid, soft-spoken, and of orpheus' children, rather polite. yet he harbors a lot of jealousy for perhaps everyone he deems marginally more successful or happy than him; when he wants to hold a grudge, he can hold one for a damn long time, and he absolutely does. in this way, he has come to best represent envy: he is subdued, yet constantly seething and steeped in a self-inflicted fit of jealousy. 

indeed, elias is a fatal poison to the sinners he oversees. he instils the thought into the minds of all his sector's inhabitants that more awaits them: prestige, power, money, fame. all they need to do is fight for it. they're the ones who deserve it the most, out of all the filthy people here.

elias isn't very fond of his siblings, in part because he has always been very jealous of them, true to his nature. still, if he must, he prefers to spend his time with the more agreeable of them.