Chicago's Comments

Hello! I was wondering if this character was up for money offers?

yup!! they are!

I’d love to offer $35 for them!

I’ll take that! please send the money to [email protected] with a note “for t-reki” and I’ll send em right over! :D

It should be sent!

you can look around my 002-003 folders

and here for my art examples >_< .

I love them!! anyone in my TH catch your eye? Conner is off limits and I am very tent with fursona dreamies

I can also add any amount of art from my commissions folder!

Anyone in my th interest you? Jack, coen, karma and yuki  are off limits along with anyone that’s pending ofc. 

Lmk if you see anyone! 

Anyone here besides Jessica, Speckles and bambi?

I can do any amount of art, anyone in this folder, + a custom if you want

i can do some art, anyone on newdream, and customs!

i can offer characters here!! for them! (i can do multiple!

i didnt connect with any of them T_T

ah okay, ty for looking at least! (^_^)