
2 years, 4 months ago
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Name Bronze
Species Coquí
Age 13 / 16
Birthday January 17th
Gender Nonbinary
Pronouns They / Them
Height 85 cm (2’7”)
Weight 30 kg (66 lb.)
Occupation Student
Ability Type Flight
Alignment Neutral Good
Affiliation ???

Bronze is a determined and dutiful individual with a strong sense of justice. Where others crumble in the face of despair, Bronze strives to keep hope alive. Despite that shining ideal, Bronze appears to be a cold and pensive individual. They seem to struggle when it comes to forming bonds and often second-guesses others’ words. This makes them a reflective and perceptive individual. Bronze is a realist at heart and yet, they wrestle with the want to view the world in a more optimistic light. Consequently, Bronze speaks in a straightforward manner laced with genuine honesty.

Though their words do well to express their thoughts, Bronze is not an individual that displays their heart out for all to see. Their joys and sorrows hide within silent gestures, visible only to those with perceptive eyes. Bronze’s way of life causes others to perceive them as a fearless fighter, an individual that would stand their ground with pride. They tend to channel the strength of their emotions through battle plans and will take the safety of other combatants upon themselves. Yet, they aren’t above retreating if it means they get to fight another day.

Bronze doesn’t consider themselves a hero, for they believe they do not own the qualities that come with the title. Despite that, Bronze continually strives to better themselves. They are not beneath learning from others and using that knowledge to their advantage. As a psychic warrior of the future, Bronze actively seeks out those who have mastered the art of psychic combat. Unlike many individuals of their time, Bronze’s psychic abilities dwindle in comparison to their contemporaries. Though there is a deep well of potential within Bronze, they are prone to feeling insecure about their natural gift and their worth as a protector of peace.


  • Sunset Skies Bronze sees the bright mix of gold and fire as a sign of distant hope, ever vigilant and always watching over the world. It’s a time of wishful reflection and so, Bronze places their dreams upon the falling sun. It’s also a time of silent loneliness where the weight of Bronze’s solitude become lighter upon hopes for the future.
  • Hope Bronze believes that hope is the lifeblood of the world. To hope in the face of despair is to be brave. To hope in the face of dreadful solitude is to be strong. In essence, hope is a miraculous tool, one that drives the heart forward to keep fighting on.
  • Night Singing Although there is an abundance of frog folk in the future, Bronze’s specific species dwindled into relative obscurity. As a coquí, Bronze sings into the night sky in hopes that another will respond to their sonorous cry of solitude. Even though Bronze has never seen another of their kind, they’ll keep singing as long as hope runs through their veins.


  • Thunderstorms Despite their reflective and pensive demeanor, Bronze is afraid of lightning and, consequently, thunderstorms. It’s one of the few things that can break their calm exterior in an instant. They’ll try playing it off but will get progressively jumpier to the point where they could jump into another individual’s arms.
  • Comedy Frankly, Bronze doesn’t understand comedy in the slightest bit. Since their straightforward, they initially perceive a joke as the start of a conversation only to realize what’s happening right as the punchline hits. Consequently, the find clowns and comedians frustrating to deal with.
  • Slacking Off Like other skills, relaxing is one that Bronze has yet to master. They simply don’t have the ability to stay put in one place for long periods of time. They tend to keep themselves busy with physical and psychic training with the occasional historical studies on the side.



Psychic Abilities

Like their contemporaries, Bronze possesses psychic abilities that allow them to perform incredible feats. The basic application of these psychic powers revolves around the use of psychokinesis. Bronze’s psychokinetic ability is weaker than her contemporaries as they are only able to take hold of people and small objects from a shorter distance than most. Though they are no master, Bronze can apply great psychic force on a single target The pressure is strong enough to bring opponents to their knees and create a small crater around them. Since it requires concentration, Bronze loses control over other objects in their psychic grasp if they are applying pressure on the target. Additionally, Bronze can use their psychokinesis to levitate and fly at respectable speeds. Though they lack speed, they do excel in aerial mobility and can be very agile while levitating.

Bronze’s true specialty is the ability to give psychic energy independent and volatile form. Though a wonderful ability, Bronze has yet to tap into its fullest potential. So far, Bronze has only developed one technique with the ability. The technique is known as the telekinetic bomb as it involves Bronze shaping their psychic energy into a perfect sphere at the palm of their hands. Creating the sphere requires great concentration and explodes upon contact with ANY object excluding Bronze themselves. So far, Bronze can only produce a singular telekinetic bomb, though she can distribute a weaker version of the bomb divided between both of her palms. Bronze can move the telekinetic bomb with their psychokinesis, though they prefer to bring the bomb to their opponent because of their short ranged psychokinesis. It’s said that being hit by the telekinetic bomb induces the sensation of electricity passing through your body, overloading the senses for a short period of time.

At the moment, Bronze lacks any psychokinetic defensive measures and lacks any knowledge on how to achieve those techniques. With a time, and a proper teacher, Bronze could possibly develop their defensive skills.

Natural Abilities

Coquís lack webbing between their fingers, instead possessing special disks on their feet that allow them to climb and stick to surfaces with ease. Like their real-world counterparts, Bronze has the capability of sticking to surfaces for long periods of time. They also possess the ability to remain perfectly still as well as strong jumping power. Of course, both abilities are derived from traits of the Coquí.


  • Close combat fighter The short range of their psychokinetic abilities forced Bronze to learn how to deal with opponents at close range. Self-thought from ancient texts, Bronze is a student of a long out use martial art known for its aggressive, yet precise, attacks. Their arsenal includes basic attacks, such as kicks and punches, mixed with techniques such as chops and psychokinetic throws. Their style is seen as basic and amateur. Fitting, since they learned it all from a book.
  • High perception Their distrust of most people helped Bronze developed a highly perceptive outlook of their surroundings. It’d be easier to knock them out instead of trying to sneak something past them. Consequently, Bronze is very difficult to plan for. Surprising them is an odyssey in itself.
  • Driven by hope Hope strengthens Bronze, keeping them going during situations that otherwise seem like uphill battles. So long as hope remains, Bronze will keep on fighting. Hope tends to alter their perception of reality, causing them to feel the pain of injuries once their hope driven victory has been achieved.


  • Lack of charisma Forming a conversation with a cactus would be easier than trying to so with Bronze. Outside of their penchant for hope and justice, Bronze doesn’t apply any effort to charm others. They are straightforward and prefer to speak only when necessary.
  • Distrustful of others Though their distrustful nature developed a perceptive sense of awareness, it also developed an everlasting sense of loneliness. As such, Bronze has a hard time opening up to others past any business that would compel them to interact in the first place.
  • Headache prone Prolonged and reckless usage of their psychokinetic abilities can result in excruciating headaches. The pain felt causes Bronze to feel as if their mind is being torn apart and is enough to knock them out for long periods of time. Though light, the effect of the headaches persist after awakening again.


There once existed a race of frogs called the coquí who’d gild the night with wonderful melodies of love and earthly wonders. They thrived as wonderous singers and forestall entertainers that sparked joy even in the coldest of hearts. However, the changes tides of time were cruel to the coquí for their hymns were met with boundless natural tragedies. After centuries of decline, the coquí vanished from the face of the earth, turned into mythical creatures sought by those who wished to hear their melodies. Bronze was born alone 200 years into the future as one of the few remaining coquí s of their time. The only semblance that remained of their brethren were textual musings and urban legends speaking of mysterious songs echoing through the night.

Alone in the world, Bronze wandered the wastes until they stumbled upon a decrepit library midst grandiose structures battered by time. There, the young coquí made a home for themselves, a home composed of text and relics of a time far gone. Though they had never seen one of their kind, Bronze believed that they would one day meet their brothers and sisters. That hope fueled Bronze’s existence for it compelled them to live upon the mystery of a hopeful future. At sunset, they would rise to their highest station and observe the falling sun with wishes running through their mind. At night they would lift their voice high, calling into the unknown with hymns of love and selfless promise. Yet, no one answered the call of the young coquí. Their promises would remain lost, echoing through the landscape with no ear to heed them. Heartbroken, Bronze deduced that they were, simply put, not a coquí worthy of meeting their kind. Perhaps she was too weak, too feeble to ever meet eyes with one who could sing the night away like them.

Nevertheless, Bronze never lost hope. No, they believed that their destined road would take them down a path of strength and self-fulfillment. With their lifeblood burning, Bronze dedicated every second of their time to the betterment of the self. Following the texts that made up her home, Bronze sought out to gain knowledge, to become smart enough to compose fantastical verses that would call out to any creature. They also sought to hone their psychic abilities, training midst the rubble of the forgotten city. Though they grew in power, Bronze soon realized that their road was coming to an end for there was only so much ground that they could cover by themselves. Driven by hope and determination, Bronze set out to find a teacher that could guide them through their powers and the very nature that encompassed the world their people sang so dearly of. The time of study was over for it was time to experience reality outside of the pages.


Silver the Hedgehog - Mentor

Though his tales of heroism go unsung, the future hero is still considered a master of the psychic arts. Hearing whispers of his prowess, Bronze set out to track the hero down for it seemed that he could be the ideal teacher that Bronze longed for. However, upon their meeting, Bronze realized that, while there was no shortage of righteousness, the silvery hedgehog lacked the qualities that made up a proper teacher. In other words, Silver had no clue how to go about teaching something that just came naturally to him. These factors bothered Bronze greatly, diminishing any chance of them idolizing the hedgehog. Yet, they still recognized the hedgehog’s prowess and though Silvers inability to teach drives them up the wall, Bronze still sticks around as a faithful student. The two seem to act very differently, putting them at comedic odds. However, their strong sense of justice keeps the two from ever jeopardizing the lives of those they wish to protect!

Link two - Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Link three - Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Link four - Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

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