


2 years, 3 months ago
















Genesis moved to Earth in the early 1960's, curious about life outside of Hell, seeking different experiences. Between the 60's to the 80's, he worked various jobs in the American south (including a tobacco farm), hung out with the runaway demon prince -- Asmos -- and eventually fell in love with a figure skater named Han. The 80's were, to put it kindly, a tumultuous time for two men in love and within a couple years, Han's health began degenerating due to AIDS. After his passing, Genesis struggled with survivor's guilt and was relatively lost and adrift.

Trying to get back into the "dating scene" in a sense, he intervened in an attack on a gay bar, receiving his back scar in the process, as well as his body shapeshifting for the first time ever to protect itself. His assailants spooked and taking off into the night, Genesis fled to the forest to recover. Worse for wear when he's recovered, Asmos took him in and they became roommates, as Asmos was his closest friend and determined to help him get back on his feet.

Asmos attempted to set him up on dates, but Gen's heart was effectively closed off, unable to heal and commit to people who couldn't understand his needs.

At some point, later on, Asmos left for South Korea and Genesis was back on his own. He began work as a sort of informant for both Heaven and Hell during his time as a manager at a DMV, often tasked with looking deeper into peoples' records to help decide their fates. After helping with a judgment and seeing the resulting tragedy in the person's children, Genesis had a change of heart and career and began working as a teacher in an elementary school. (Literally what can't he do. I love him.)

He moved to the small town where Asmos had move to when he came back to the US and not long after...

He met Emmy.


  • As a sweet southern man, he's got an especially deep voice/drawl; his voice claim is Josh Turner.
  • His favorite terms of endearment to use on his wife are Pumpkin, Darlin', Sweetheart
  • He is an extremely soft and over-emotional baby -- it's remarkably easy to make him weepy, even if he's very happy
  • He smells like honey dust, tobacco leaves, vanilla, cedarwood
  • With his wife he has one daughter -- he named her himself: Jubilee, based on the joy that she and his wife bring to his life


  • White hair that goes all the way down to his waist, typically with some of it in a bun, and a little bit of a chin goatee
  • Has freckles, wears rectangular glasses, yellow eyes, pointed ears, sharp teeth
  • Forked tongue with a piercing, studded ear piercings, and nipple piercings
  • More often than not he is wearing flower printed shirts, cargo shorts, sandals, and sometimes a fanny pack
  • Extremely muscular, almost weightlifter body type
  • Tattoos: a bird of paradise flower, set of moonflowers, and a moon on his right bicep, and his summoning sigil on his left wrist
  • Long diagonal slash of a scar down his back, between his shoulderblades
  • In his demon form he is even taller, has a skull for a face along with antlers, often covered in foliage, looking something like a Leshen

code by zodia

character image by artist credit
aesthetic image by octavian rosca