


6 years, 7 months ago


|| Caedis

36 | 5'4" | he/him
Who knows where he came from.
Possesses superhuman strength.

Anything he drinks or eats appears in the plastic bag that is his head. It either gradually deteriorates or evaporates. By default, the substance in his head is some acidic kind of water.

Living things (such as fish) can only stay in his head for a few hours before they die.

Personality-wise, he's an average, somewhat childish and confident guy who enjoys putting on the mysterious person shtick. He's not at all opposed to threatening or hurting people, and as a matter of fact, he thoroughly enjoys beating up people who annoyed him. He particularly enjoys killing when he is parched.

He's asexual and aromantic, yet he still seems to enjoy flirting with people, though at least jokingly. His favorite thing to do when someone flirts back (which rarely ever happens) is lead them on and then completely disappoint them.

His hobbies are shoplifting from mom and pop stores and aggravating bouncers in front of nightclubs. He steals most of the stuff he owns, and he never really keeps any of it, discarding it after use.

- Immortal like a vampire, except his weak spot is the bag that is his head. But it's strangely durable for a plastic bag, and can only be broken with a wooden stake, like with the traditional way to kill a vampire.. You can squish it if you want to make him uncomfortable, though.
- He has the choice to either numb a bite or make it really hurt. Which one he goes for depends on the situation and person.
- Very heavy sleeper. Also sleepwalks. A lot. Tends to walk very far during such.

- Strawberries (and cake)
- Vampire novels & horror movies
- Picnics
- Beaches and sunsets
- Naps
- Knives
- Dark colors
- Guns
- Candy
- Dirt/mud/etc.
