Sanjin (and Norbert)



2 years, 7 months ago


Sanjin's a professor in the magic department of his university. His specialty is in dreams, namely determining the differences between normal, prophetic, divine, and curse-based dreams and controlling or preventing them, as well as generally decoding them. This means he wears many hats, having vast general knowledge of many different beings and their abilities, deities, psychology, history, and magics pertaining to divination and dreaming in general. He first gained an interest in the field due to his own night terrors. He'd lived near a rather old-fashioned sort who claimed his vivid nightmares were the works of demons or imps, but he found this was decidedly false as he grew older. His niche interest made him a big name in the field, though, and it's still genuinely fascinating work to study.

Then there's Norbert. Norbert's an infernal sand constrictor who somehow got functional wings spliced to his back. He was found in a snow drift by Sanjin, who ended up keeping him. Norbert's got some surprising separation anxiety, so he's just with Sanjin a majority of the time. He's well behaved and adorable, so they get away with most people just assume that Norbert is Sanjin's familiar rather than a normal pet.