


2 years, 7 months ago




Name: Kimiko 

Nickname: Kim, Kimmy, Kimi-Chan (Ona), Little Turtle (Leo’s nickname for her)

Alias: Kuro Katana, Aries (formerly)

Gender: Female

Age: 14-15/ 23-24 (After story), 34-35 (Next Gen)

Birthdate: April 15th 

Height: 4’9’’ 

Weight: 80 lbs

Eyes: Sky Blue

Hair: Emerald Green

Occupation: Ninja, Foot Elite (former), Acolyte (formerly), Espionage/Undercover Agent (Next Gen)


 Kimiko is naive, rebellious, edgy, angsty, hot-headed, extremely sassy and stubborn. She does have soft and kind side but will rarely let her guard down, especially around strangers.

 She tends to overthink everything and will almost always put herself in harm’s way if it means protecting those she cares about. Kimiko often finds herself questioning honor, but values it nonetheless.  

For the most part, she hates herself more than anything and will often beat herself up for not doing or being strong enough.

Kim usually keeps her negative thoughts and feelings bottled up, not wanting others to worry about her problems. 

After taking on the mantle of the Kuro Katana, and after her time in the Foot, Kimiko starts becoming paranoid and overprotective, wanting to ensure that those close to her are safe. 

She becomes traumatized after the night Shredder struck April’s apartment and watching Leonardo come crashing through the window. It’s an image that haunts her greatly as she regrets not being more vigilant. Of course, it’s also something she keeps to herself until it explodes in the form of a breakdown. Sometimes that same paranoia and fear can cause her to do really stupid or reckless things.

Kimiko prefers to work as an independent unit, but can adapt to working with a team if the situation calls.

Kimiko gets super squeamish when looking into anything concerning Genetics labs. She is terrified of being strapped to lab tables with the thought of being dissected/cut open/ experimented on.  

She has a silver tongue, trickery and manipulation being two of her strongest weapons, as with any kunoichi. 

Despite it all,  when she does finally let her guard down, Kimmy likes to joke and try to have fun.

As towards the end, Kimiko learns to accept and love herself for who she is, becoming a calmer, happier turtle. 


-Kimiko loves learning and collecting different weapons. Though she primarily relies on her katana, she prefers to have the knowledge should she need to quickly adapt.

-As such, Kimiko has a skill in smithing as she prefers having weapons with some quality. In addition to smithing, she also has a skill in sewing and crafting various armors and costumes.

-Though not as keen as Donatello, Kimiko does have a knack for technology and making unique gadgets, her favorites being her Grappling-Hook Gun and Red Explosive Shuriken which she relies on heavily.

-Kimmy has an interest in anime and video games, she is often competing with Michelangelo for whom is the best.

-For music tastes: Kimiko is big on Pop/Punk music, as well as metal, rock, and screamo.

-Her favorite things are stars and anything celestial.

-Although she prefers not to wear much in terms of clothing, Kimmy does like anything pink and black or emo / punkish or anything with skulls and hearts.

- She has a super sensitive body and has developed a passion for herbalism, learning about different herbs, flowers, and what not to create natural soaps, remedies, and teas that she or anyone else can use. On patrols or missions, she usually carries a few herbs that she can chew on, such as peppermint or chamomile. In addition, she can also use her knowledge to brew something that will put someone to sleep, which she has a habit of doing in order to sneak out unnoticed. 

-In the future, Kimiko takes up training with the Tribunal for a few years, learning how to wield ancient arts passed down from generations. 

-Kimiko has a big interest for mythology and history.




Love Interest - Best Friend

They began as childhood friends, later growing romantically involved. As they grew up, Kimiko often looked up to him the most. They often have deep conversations as they know they can talk to each other about anything. Although Kimiko keeps a lot to herself, Leo can normally sense when something is amiss. He helps comfort her when she’s going through bouts of depression, in return, Kimiko is there whenever he’s going through something similar. Like her, Leonardo isn’t usually one for showing weakness, so normally they keep these times behind closed doors.

Leonardo is usually the voice of reason when she’s about to do something stupid, and Kimmy does a LOT of stupid stuff. Kimiko tends not to listen to commands when on missions, it annoys him but he understands and lets her do her own thing as Leo knows she can handle herself. They do have their arguments, when it comes to plans or their own stubbornness getting in the way or when it comes to Leo’s sense of honor. But after some time, they’ll usually talk and work things out between them. 

Their relationship doesn’t really start to blossom until after they get back from space. When dealing with her own demons, Kimiko will come to him for comfort, as she sees Leonardo as sort of a light in the dark and just feels much safer. Leo gives her his full attention even if he’s meditating, listening as she rambles about her thoughts and fears as she overthinks about a lot of dark possibilities.

They grow even closer later during the Battle Nexus Championship, Kimiko learns of Leonardo’s poisoning and immediately goes to the pavilion where he’s being treated. There she forfeits her match just to able to stay by his side.  

After, the midnight of Christmas Eve, and before the Alien Invasion, they have their first kiss in front of a giant lit up tree in the middle of central park as a firework show started. But that would be the happiest the two would be for a while.

After the invasion, Kimiko isn’t herself as she begins to argue in fits of anger a lot with Splinter as Saki is deemed a world hero on the News. Leo tries to talk with her, sometimes having to force her into a conversation but Kim keeps to herself as she is now more focused on intense training. While she does want to talk have fun again, Kimiko’s own hatred for the Shredder is what keeps her distracted. 

They’re relationship becomes incredibly rocky after what is considered their final battle with Shredder. They argue more than ever, Leonardo dealing with his own PTSD, Kimiko in constant pain due to injuries she had taken during the battle and also dealing with her own battles with Bishop and two others character, Talon and a mad geneticist, Hector Gilligan, who is also her creator. The breaking point comes when Leonardo says something that greatly offends her to a point where Kimiko quits the team, leaves the lair, and does her own thing. She does understand what he’s going through, but her own stubbornness and emotions drive her away. After thinking things over and calming down, she goes to seek Leonardo out only finding out that he was leaving New York for a training quest in Japan that could take a couple months. Kimiko immediately heads for the docks to find a boat leaving, her heart now heavy and full of regret until Leonardo finds her, his ship not having arrived yet. The air is awkward between them before they finally start to talk and apologize to each other. Before Leo leaves, Kim gives him her mask to keep with him as they don’t know how long he’ll be gone for. 

He's gone for almost two months and it really starts to affect her as she fully realizes her feelings and how much she loves and misses him.

They reunite after Karai’s attack on the lair, just as Kimiko was about to approach the Foot HQ on her own. It was short lived as she is then captured by Talon who works for the mad scientist who created her. However that also didn’t last as Donatello was able to track her location and break her out. But after that and returning her mask, Kimmy and Leo finally spill their feelings and become an official couple. 

A highlight of going to 2105 is that the two are able to go on couple actual dates as they aren’t seen as monsters/ freaks to others. 2105 also gives the two something to really look forward to in their own future together. 


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Kimiko first meets Anna in 2105 after rescuing her from bounty hunters. Anna, who is a fairly young child, has accidentally traveled through time in order to find her mother who disappeared after a heavy battle. Curiously enough, Kimiko recognizes the two katana strapped to the child’s back, one was hers and the other was Leonardo’s. Of course both Kim and Leo have a freak out discussion at first on what to do as they are having a shell of a time processing that this little girl is theirs. Obviously getting her back to her home time is the priority, but they weren’t sure how considering the time window wasn’t functional.

As time in the future passed, they grew attached to her, Kimiko a little more so as Leonardo knew they would have to part ways. Before sending her off towards the end, they help by improving Anna’s training Through Annabelle, Kimiko realizes that she can’t stay in the dark forever, and makes her really start to care about herself and her future. 

Anna is born from an egg seven years after the canon ending and two years before her parents marry. Being both a weaponsmith and a seamstress, Kimiko makes most of her daughter’s gear and weapons. Like her mother, Anna is secretive but also rebellious, it makes Kimiko herself wonder how the others could even stand her as she grew up. It causes Kimiko to stress and worry as she only wants her daughter to be safe.



Father Figure/ Mentor - Sensei

Kimiko often looks to Splinter for advice, but tends to argue with him more than she should. Splinter only worries about her as Kimiko is rebellious and independent, and is often reckless. She had already put herself down a difficult path, but Splinter does believe that Kimiko can pull herself out. At one point, as Kim is fighting her demons, Splinter brings her to Central Park where he gives her an important task in giving water to a seed she watched him planted. This seed would represent herself and her own growth. For a time, Kimiko distances herself from him, refusing to listen to him at all. Towards the end, they do become much closer. 



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Mutation Brother - Arch Rival / Best Friend

Talon, also known as Project Libra, is a mutant monitor lizard with poisonous stingers that extend from his backs of his wrists. She was to be a replica of his creation. Kimiko meets Talon one night after returning from TCRI, as he is the errand boy for his creator, Hector Gilligan. The two become a deadly duo, meeting at night to beat down members of criminal factions in hopes to dwindle numbers as gang violence had increased. Like Kimiko, Talon has a silver tongue, but is usually the brute force of the team while Kimiko is the brains. He annoys her greatly as he likes to crack short jokes around her, but in return she’ll poke fun at him for being an ‘errand boy’. Talon is usually level headed and will usually talk her out of doing something really stupid.

After the city calms down, they got to the abandoned Stocktronics in search of mouser parts for Talon’s boss. There they battle a still functional Giant Mouser Robot (these only ever appeared in the video games). Kimiko manages to decapitate it but activates a UV scanner in its system. It flashes on her neck as a hidden barcode appears on her collar although she doesn’t take notice. Talon does and leaves immediately and begins to act shady around her. He doesn’t contact her for some time until he leads her into a trap. She’s alone, it’s storming, and Talon sicks flying drones to attack her until ambushing her. Because the other turtles are stuck in another dimension due to an Artifact, she is unable to call for help.

Talon, rather his master, needs her alive for further experimentation. However, Kimiko refuses as they clash. Talon proves to be too strong for her, poisoning her with his stingers in order to knock her out. Kimiko barely manages to escape as she uses a smoke pellet and disappears into the sewers. With the aid of a friend, Liette, she is able to recover from her injuries, but is torn as Talon betrayed her.

It isn’t until after the final battle with Shredder that Talon manages to capture her. It is then that she learns that Talon is only doing this as instructed by Gilligan. He grew up alone with Gilligan as his mentor, who only treated him as a tool. Which Talon was forced to learn and accept. Kimiko tries to talk with him, but fails as he just ignores her to meet with his master for further instruction. After he leaves, Kimiko is shortly rescued by Leonardo, but she makes it a goal to free and help Talon.

After the Mutant Outbreak, Kimiko prepares to confront Gilligan and finally help the lizard. She locates his main base of operation, under am abandoned cathedral within the city. As they fight, Kimiko tries to talk…and beat, sense into him, to make him realize that Gilligan is wrong, that Talon doesn’t have to be the way he is. She even agrees to allow him to take her to their creator, just to see who and why his boss is who he is. 

Upon learning of Gilligan’s own intentions, having had ten other experiments at his disposal, Talon becomes distant as he is also processing Kimiko’s own words. He reaches a point where he attacks Gilligan, now understanding the turtle’s preaching. It’s then that fight and defeat the evil scientist as a team.

After their victory, Talon is welcomed into the lair as he has become an ally to the turtles and Kimiko’s best friend. He aids them in helping with the current outbreak, though he still continues to poke fun at Kimiko. Talon later moves on, finding an abandoned building to use as a home and lab. 

In the future, Talon joins Bishop, who at that point has become an ally to the turtles. He continues to partner with Kimiko whenever they call on each other or if Bishop acquires both their aid.

Hector Gilligan:

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Creator - Enemy

Gilligan is again, Kimiko’s creator. He is a master geneticist, originally aligned with the Foot. He worked with the Underground team for some time, usually video logging his experiments.He had come across the Utrom by-product, the ooze, and was able to mutate and create Talon. He was then ordered to create a powerful soldier for the Shredder using his findings. It took him a few years and many failures until successfully mutating an unfertilized turtle egg as he hadn’t the funds to catch another animal. Because of this, he did run into complications, he had to inject many vitamin supplements to ensure the creation survived. Kimiko was mutated in a test tube, then moved into a large tank as she developed. However, she was frail and sickly, not the powerful soldier Oroku Saki wanted. Gilligan was ordered to destroy her. 

Furious and slowly descending into insanity from exposure to the ooze, Hector sends Talon to destroy the lab as he flees with Kimiko. He soon loses her as he is on the road in a large truck before crashing. 

Ten years pass as he tries and tries to again, replicate and create super soldiers for himself to exact his own revenge. As Gilligan fails, over and over, he is soon confronted by Kimiko as she is trying to help Talon. His insanity overtaking him as he uses injects the DNA from all his creations and the mutants running about from the outbreak into himself and becomes the super mutant himself. It takes nearly everything for Kimiko and Talon to defeat him. Gilligan wildly charges before they can do anything before falling into a pit as the building collapsed. The two narrowly escaping with their lives as the other turtles swing by to help them.  



Best Friend -

Both Kimiko and Michelangelo are the youngest turtles and the two have an unspoken bond between them. Mikey treats her as a little sister, and will usually look out for her when he's not busy poking fun at her. They have their designated game nights, usually trash talking over who the better player is. Mikey is the goofball who annoys the shell out of her and sometimes even ticks her off without realizing. He does try to check on her from time to time when she’s going through a tough time. Kimiko on the other hand will help him when it comes to small things such as a snack when they’re on D’Hoonib.  After she leaves the lair after a bad argument with Leonardo, Mikey tries to find her and bring her home, though it’s to no avail as Kim refuses. 

In the future, Mikey deals with a great tragedy as the family is at a point where it’s tearing itself apart. As the others are too busy arguing with each other, Kimiko, as well as Splinter, help support him and help take care of his children, three very young, triplets, Leilani, Haruka, and Camille as he’s going through stages of grief. Right before Kimiko takes her rage out on the others.



Friend -

Kimiko comes to Donnie when she needs help understanding something having to due with technology. He fascinates her with his knowledge and the various gadgets he’s invented. Usually she can keep up with his big words, but quickly loses focus and falls asleep. They don’t often argue but they also don’t really talk to each other as much either. Donatello however, is the only doctor Kimiko will ever feel safe with, although his coffee intake scares her.



Friend -

When Kimiko first met Raph, she sneezed on him before laughing at him. Like with Donatello, they don’t often interact as much as the others. More than often, they argue or spit lame trash talk. However that doesn’t stop them from busting heads together. They often find themselves complaining about the same things, the future, the Foot, Mikey, etc. 

Tatsu Hattori:

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When working as the Kuro Katana, one of Kimiko’s assignments is to eliminate an Ex. Elite Member of the Foot, Tatsu Hattori. Hattori is an elderly man who is completely blind, but that doesn’t mean he won’t put up a fight. Although a member of the Foot, Kimiko does not do any killing, rather, she’ll knock targets out with a warning message to get out of town. The reason Hattori had left was so that he could protect his granddaughter, Ona, as Shredder had already taken her parents as a punishment for failure. He is now the owner of a small Eastern Import shop in Chinatown, selling wares, trinkets, weapons, and fabric from across Asia. Hattori is also a descendant of the legendary Hattori Hanzo. Because of his reasonings, Kimiko makes a vow to ensure that his whereabouts are kept a secret. Hattori is an honorable and wise man and a master swordsmith. He often provides Kimiko with metal bits and tools so that she may create high quality weapons and gear.

Ona Kunishige:

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Best Friend

Kimiko sees little Ona as the little sister she never had. Kim will often visit and take her out to have fun every once in a while. Ona is a young apprentice swordsmith learning martial arts from her grandfather. She greatly looks up and admires Kimiko. She calls Leonardo “Mr. Turtle” which caused Kim to snicker whenever he’s around. In the future, Ona goes on to perfecting the art of swordsmithing, creating breath taking masterpieces that make it to a gallery exhibit in 2105.

Stella ‘Star’ Rosales:


Best Friend

Star is the third human Kimiko officially met. She rescued her from some mobsters after her father sold her off for money. She’s one of Kimiko’s closest friends as well as Michelangelo’s future love interest. Star bunks with the turtles for a few months after as things calm down for her on the surface, later moving into a newly renovated studio apartment once April gets her own apartment and shop back. She and Kimiko are often watching anime together at late hours in the night or playing a roleplaying game. Kimiko helps Splinter teach Star how to defend herself, as well as teaching her the ways of persuasion. Despite Kimiko going on usually dangerous adventures, Star often finds herself somewhat jealous, but understands how bad things can get, especially when it comes to the Shredder. Star also tries to ensure Kimiko actually eats real food as a majority of her Foot career involved energy drinks and bars.


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Kimiko meets Liette while exploring down a path that leads to an underwater cavern on the other side of her bedroom wall. Liette is a mer girl, with the abilities to breath underwater and telepathic communication. She is also capable of healing magic which does tire her out after use as she is still relatively new to her abilities. Liette is unable to close deep wounds, but can cure poisonings. When Kimiko met her, she was all alone, having been abandoned by other merfolk (later it is revealed that it was her own telepathic powers that made up her fellow merfolk, she had always been alone). Liette teaches her about the origin of her and her people, which is also leads to Kimiko learning about the Underground civilization and the architects of the lair. 

Kimiko owes her life to Liette, as she was the one who helped her after Talon attacked her and hopes to be able to repay her back someday.

After returning from 2105, Kimiko helps Liette who wants to aid Donatello through his own stress when Splinter is separated into digital bits. Liette is determined to learn all she can about technology even though she herself is very oblivious to modern tech. In a way, she helps the two become closer together.


Eliza Faust:

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Eliza is a mutant leopard gecko and turtle hybrid. She was once a human, living in the UK and daughter of a rather wealthy family, until her parents sold her to Bishop after the Alien Invasion due to sudden bankruptcy. (Lot of terrible people in this lol). She is discovered by April as they were trying to save the turtles. She and Kimiko don’t quite get along at first, not really caring for her stubborn attitude. Eliza, being the elder of the two, tries to act smart and condescending although she herself is a rebellious teenager. They don’t to get along until after Leonardo leaves for Japan. She is sent with the others to 2105, where she really starts acting as a big sister figure to Kimiko, still bickering with her every now and then. Kimiko however, teases her about her feelings for Raphael.

Agent Bishop:



Although Bishop starts off as a twisted madman working for the government, he later becomes a trusted ally to the turtles. After having been rescued by an Triceraton alien, his perspective on extraterrestrials altered for the better. Kimiko with often aid Bishop when her expertise in espionage is required. Kimiko doesn’t fully trust him, but remembers that he is the president in 2105 so he can’t be all that bad. Kimiko either works independently or with Talon, who also works with Bishop. 

Bishop serves as a greater ally in the future. While the family is going through intense drama, Kimiko works with him to find out what is causing odd and ominous activity within the city’s criminal underworld and especially with Bishop’s ex partner, Baxter Stockman. 

Theme Songs:

The Best Damn Thing,  Rock N Roll,  Bite Me ,  Don’t Have to Try- Avril Lavigne

Watch Me, You Were Wrong - Icon For Hire

Crawling, Leave Out All The Rest - Linkin Park

Other Fun Facts:

-Voice Actor- Erica Schroeder (as in Blaze the Cat’s voice, wanted to stick to 4Kids! VA’s)

-Kimiko’s hair starts off short and grows longer as the story unfolds, reaching down to her hips

-Kimiko was labeled Project Aries which is her Zodiac sign

-The barcode found on the back of her neck reads: -0019880415002- , which is the date she mutated/began life as she is the 2nd of two successful experiments

-Kimiko’s Avatar for the Lost Season is the Phoenix, representing Justice, Hope/Faith, and Healing.