


2 years, 4 months ago


Adelaide Graham

A vamprie, a mere merchant, and maybe an assassin, whatever you want to call her. Adelaide is the head of Graham family in her generation instead of her father and uncles. Because of the foolish way they lead Graham might strike a second downfall of the family, she stepped up to be in their place instead.

"Graham had falled once, I won't let it fall again."

Graham is a mechant from generations until it was Adelaide's turn to lead she actually made a big good deed, thus finally bring noble title tied to Graham's name. But to anyone's suprised she rejected the title, humbly said she satisfied being a merchant and life of a noble may not be suitable for someone such as her.

Who will know that under the smiling mask hidden a secret dark as night sky with no stars shine above.

Adelaide married to a human from another empire, her name is Ragnar and both have one precious daughter together named Madelyn.

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