


2 years, 4 months ago


Herman Horowitz

36 EYO . Male . Scientific

Herman's a scientist for the Zeta region, researching how various infectious illness came to be. He specifically tries to delve into reasearch on the specifics of the Peppermint Virus and Thymono radiation.

Herman has been through quite a number of accidents, starting with the loss of his two left arms. Then he contracted the Peppermint Virus when the outbreak spread across the Zeta region. During his research into the Peppermint Virus' lasting effects in the Beta region, he was exposed to high levels of radiation when the moon, Thymono, fell into the nearby ocean.

"Only time will tell what's next for us."

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Species Candyfloss
Designer Bredweiner
Value $26 USD
Obtained by MYO
Status not for sale/trade

  • Galaxy-type eyes cover the left side of his body, front and back.
  • The white and green parts of his hair and body can glow in the dark.
  • Two mechanical left arms with high voltage warning stickers replace original limbs.
  • Electric element 'halos' occassionally emit from his left hand side limbs.
  • He often gives people unpleasent shocks, due to the electricity in his body.

The Accident

Herman worked as a reasercher in the Zeta region, a region heavily focused on scientific advances. He worked in Geology, learning the various minerals in the area and learning how they can be used. His body was a bright green, patterns adorning his body, all six limbs intact, until he was reasearching inside a narrow cave structure to find new metals and minerals. The cave gave way and crushed his left side, trapping his two left arms. He was excivated and brought back to the surface, but not with the arms he was missing. They were thankfully replaced with the Zeta's technological advances in cybernetic and bionics. His new two arms were perfectly articulated with a series of hydrolics and wires running through them. The base part of the prosthetics are connected to the flesh in his arm, connecting to the electrical signals given by his brain to activate the series of mechanics in his arms. With the aquisition of his new mechanical arms, he did not stop his geology studies. He did however, stay away from cave structures, instead moving on to the differences between the surface rocks between the regions of Caramella.

Peppermint Virus

The Zeta region was in absolute mayhem when the leader of the region contracted with the highly infectious Peppermint Virus. Herman wasnot ever too close to the leader, but due to the highly infectious nature of the virus, he contracted it himself. He wasn't ever in too much pain, but he started to grow eyes on his left side, and his fur turned lighter and lighter until it was stark white, the only color left was the markings on his leg. Once again, his left side seemed to be the center of all the trauma he was going through. Eyes grew on his face, neck, shoulders, all the way down to his hips. The color variation that pointed out where his pupils and irises would be also faded away. His eyes instead started to shimmer like the night sky, seeming to have stars and a hint of a wispy galaxy behind them. Herman was infactuated with the appearance of his new eyes, each all working together to give him such a detailed image of the surroundings on his left. He decided to now investigate infectious diseases and what makes them so infectious, and if something like the peppermint virus will ever come again.

His travels led him to the softly colored Beta region, where he met Candice. A young peppermintfloss who was born with her many eyes. During his reasearch, he learned that people can be born with the many eyes of the peppermint virus. Candice was such a case. He reveled in the discovery, as it made him simply want to investigate the virus more, where it came from, why it went away so quickly, why it seemed to modify the genetic code of the floss it infected, to the point of affecting even their offspring. He spends his days going around, doing genetic testing on samples donated to him so he can figure out the mysteries of the virus

Thymono Radiation

While doing his research into the pepeprmint virus in the Beta region, the moon Thymono began to fall from the sky. The moon came down with intense ammounts of radiation, turning the nearby waters a neon hue. There were more floss on the moon as well! They seemed to have dark fur, glowing neon markings, and antennae. They also seemed to be missing a finger on each hand and their ears. With the initial shock of the moon falling onto the planet having worn off, herman noticed the fur on his own body changing into that darker hue. Just as he started to grow used to the view of his once vibrant fur turned stark white, now being turned nearly black sent him spirling once again into an intense fear of what was happening to him. He looked down at his body to thankfully find that he wasn't losing any fingers or toes, but that he was instead starting to emit rings of electricity on his electronic limbs, and his eyes and green markings left on his leg started to glow and emit rings of electricity as well. He didn't realize he lost his own ears and was instead replaced with a pair of two stocky antenae at the top of his head to help him hear. He noticed it the antenae morning when he went to wash his face, and the last thing he finally noticed was his soul gem. His soul gem had morphed from the crecent moon of the Zeta region, to the stylized v of antennae of the Sigma region. He was worried of the implications of this, and thought back to the DNA altering affects of the pepperming virus. Could the exposure to the radiation of Thymono have the same DNA altering affects? He did not know. He could only hope that these mysteries would be uncovered soon.

Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus lorem nisi, luctus eget venenatis at, tincidunt nec est. Donec consequat massa nisl, ac efficitur enim convallis at.

Aliquam suscipit urna massa, t sollicitudin lacus viverra at.


Candice is one of the floss Herman met while on his travels to the Kappa region. He keeps in touch with her to update her with his findings on what this virus is and what implications it has for her future. She gives Herman special access to meetings with her, even with her busy life as a social media personality, to help him with his research and what ever findings he might bring to her.

Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus lorem nisi, luctus eget venenatis at, tincidunt nec est. Donec consequat massa nisl, ac efficitur enim convallis at.

Aliquam suscipit urna massa, at sollicitudin lacus viverra at.