


2 years, 7 months ago


Name Noir Allistar

Age 21 years old

Birthday 27th December

Gender Agender

Pronouns They/Them

Species Shapeshifter

Orientation Aromantic Asexual

Alignment True Neutral

Occupation College Student


  • Listening to podcasts
  • Critical thinking
  • Crime/Mystery documentaries
  • Playing video games

  • Public speaking
  • Sweating too much
  • Wannabe mean girls
  • Cramped spaces (Caves)

  • Has two voices, both masculine and feminine. They tend to use both at the same time just to mess with people.
  • Dislikes some neutral terms (ie. Mx), much prefers gendered ones or none at all. They're usually seen as either an effeminate man or a butch woman so either one works.
"It's better to learn from an enemy than to remain ignorant among allies."

Noir is essentially just me as a person, and most of their personality traits are straight up ripped from me. In any case, Noir is generally an indifferent person, and has no interest in playing silly social games that is expected of them. While a great speaker, they much prefer listening to others talk to get a sense of what type of person they're dealing with. Loyalty used to be important to them, but now it's only given in the moment to anyone they're friends with- quality over quantity, after all. In a completely roundabout way, they genuinely do not feel remorse for their actions up until this point because in the long run, if you're going to live with yourself, you need to be sure you're happy with it.

Randolph Hickey Close Friend

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam in sodales massa, eget mollis lorem. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed et dui turpis. Integer at ante nibh. Nunc mattis lorem sed suscipit condimentum. Donec nisl nulla, mattis sit amet mollis vitae, pretium sit amet erat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam in sodales massa, eget mollis lorem. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed et dui turpis. Integer at ante nibh. Nunc mattis lorem sed suscipit condimentum. Donec nisl nulla, mattis sit amet mollis vitae, pretium sit amet erat.

Nova Allistar Alter Ego

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam in sodales massa, eget mollis lorem. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed et dui turpis. Integer at ante nibh. Nunc mattis lorem sed suscipit condimentum. Donec nisl nulla, mattis sit amet mollis vitae, pretium sit amet erat.