Raksha Halibast



6 years, 7 months ago


Ex slave, ancient historical time period of the arid deserts, scaley robin hood character with much less charisma.

Name: Raksha Halibaast
Age: 42
Species: Shkepra
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Height: 6'8"
Weight: 223lbs
Residence: ???
Occupation: ???
Marital Status: ???

Personality: Raksha is not a man who anyone would consider friendly upon first meeting him. He distrusts people and he is violent towards the law and towards those who might get in his way. He responds to people in gutteral animalistic sounds and he is is not kind to law men or robbers. He seems to be of a chaotic neutral sort as he had no allegiences and he does not follow the laws of the arid lands nor does he cater to any group or man. To many, he is a dangerous individual. A brute. And this is not incorrect. But he isn't just a mindless animal despite his rare appearance. His patience is thin, he has a short fuse with no sense of humor, and he follows his instincts closely- but he is intelligent. He can speak the common tongue if he so chooses, and he more than often helps those in need- albiet in a very rough scary kind of way that leaves people thanking the gods they come out of the encounter unscathed.

Brief History: Raksha is one of the Shkepra. An ancient race that has been enslaved and abused for centuries now. They have fallen beyond the feet of the trader's law as their land has been pillaged for their plentiful resources. You will not see a shkepra unbranded or sporting a tail. There are very few wild Shkepra left in the deserts and many have been bred to be more 'appealing' to their captors. Smoother scales, prettier patterns, pale eyes. Raksha is a run away slave, one of an unnatural appearance. He still has his tail and he is covered in dangerous scales, with stunning golden hazel eyes unlike most Shkepra who have been bred to murkier or paler eye colors. His features far more animalistic than those still enslaved. He has spent many years since his childhood in the wilds, and has grown aggressive with people because of it- especially guards. He often stays within the rivers, away from society- but a danger to those that dare travel along the river sides. His appearance has striked fear in many, some worship him as a river god and others have put up great bounties to see him captured or beheaded.