


2 years, 4 months ago



Title The Dreamcatcher
Species Vyligai
Age [???]
Pronouns They/Them
Voice Claim [TBA]
Alignment Neutral Evil
Theme I Own You - Shinedown

If I can't have you, I will destroy what you have grown to love.


Astaroth, Ruler of Tōrinoctü, or The Dreamcatcher, has become infamous across their District and others. Harboring a certain evil in their heart, they have a growing need to be impulsively violent towards anyone who is unfortunate enough to cross them. Darkness and nightmares follow them no matter where they go, even in their sleep. After losing someone who mattered to them most, their behavior has become even worse. As of now, perhaps they'll forever remain lost, strangely finding solace or familiarity in the blood that runs over their cold hands.



As time goes on, Astaroth is recognized more as someone who isn't entirely there in the head. With only a few threads keeping them on the precipice of sanity, they tend to unnerve mostly everyone around them. They've become cold hearted, dismissive, and downright cruel. But, contrary to popular belief, they're not always having an episode, and they've not always been like this. They can cooperate and even have civil conversations. Unless you catch them on the wrong day, that is.


  • As they grew, the tentacles in their eye used to cause them pain. Now, it's just a dull pulsing, only irritating them if they get irritated enough themselves.
  • They're never seen without their coat, it's practically glued onto them.
  • Darkness used to scare them.


Rivka | Obsession •

"My one and only... She has absolutely hypnotized me since the moment we first met. Her strength is undeniable, I want- No. No, I need her. One day, she will realize that I am all she has left, and she will return to me."

Soren | Deputy •

"I was hesitant about the man at first... But being offered such a position- How could I ever resist? I couldn't be more honored to be their Deputy, even if we butt heads from time to time. It feels as if I always have a backing line of support."

Amadeus | Enemies •

"You know, I've met a lot of people in my life. But I have never met someone as weak and annoying as that rose boy. He's a thief and is undeserving of the rank he holds. Hell, I doubt he holds any true power at all! Honestly... Absolutely nothing compared to me."

Ozias | Enemies •

"The Huntsman... You know, it really is a shame. He showed so much promise, and threw all of that away the second he tried to turn against me. All of his sacrifices and pain... They will be worth nothing in the end of his fight. When everything ends, it's me that he'll come crawling back to, begging for forgiveness."