


6 years, 7 months ago
d1 wf


Joan is quiet and somewhat cynical, she doesn't get along with most folks. She's been friends with Lory since they were children and she more or less tolerates him. Usually acts more mature than she is, not always on purpose. Not the mother hen type. Joan loved the quiet of her hometown, so when her parents up and moved them she was caught up in a noisy world she's always looking to escape.

She is a full year and a little more older than Lory, and she doesn't let him forget it whenever he's trying to do something she deems "stupid". Often through middle and highschool she would study with him only because his mother asked her to keep him on track. One of the times she hadn't kept him on track in their teen years, Lory had ended up in the hospital. Without him constantly around she eventually realizes she misses that loud and bright idiot. This keeps with her, and while she wont openly admit she missed him during that time or wants him around, she no longer quips about her tolerating him, nor does she brush off questions of them being friends. Much to her dismay, this makes Lory much happier than she anticipated, and he tends to lean on her or throw his arm around her more often.


Joan Pointing out to Lory in a quiet non-chalant tone: "Do you have any idea how ridiculous you look? Thats a womans shirt you are wearing...and you stick out like a sore thumb. It's distrubing the quiet."

Lory: pauses, thinks, smiles wide "At least you'll never miss me in a crowd!"

Joan: tentaively smiles "Whatever you say...Weirdo."

Lory: happily kicking their feet without a care in the world