


2 years, 4 months ago


🌲 ☕ 🍂

an absolute lover of literature. they are quite the calm feline, a gentle spoken one, at that. they're the type of cat who can't seem to fall asleep without a bed time story, or being hummed to. its quite often they're thinking of their own story, such as romantic or even saddened ones. they're often viewed as quite odd, for their love of insects. they like to sometimes capture pretty ones like caterpillars or fireflies, admiring and fiddling with them. they're even a inquisitive little one, seeking out for knowledge. not only do they have interest in insects, they often like to collect pretty little rocks, stones, whatever they could find. they aren't considered a timid or shy one, but it's not often that they go approach someone, being used to being alone their entire kithood.

*given the name Tree as a temporary name just so I can type out the backstory*
tree was an adopted kittypet living, living with a peaceful couple in a lone cabin in oklahoma, where there were no other neighbors. tree liked to take daily walks, believing that the land they lived on would never grow old to them. growing up, being a little over 6 moons, tree was beginning to get bored, considering they were the only cat their twolegs owned. with tree's curious mind, they want to venture further than they've gone, and accidentally gets lost. unable to find back home, they remain as a loner, terrified of the wild

-hums quite often. they like to hum themselves to sleep pretty much every night
-they like to collect a lot of nick-nack stuff, and will find a good safe place somewhere to dig a hole and store them all
-fails all the time trying to communicate with birds
-fall is their favorite season, and the first thing they'll do is jump in a pile of fallen leaves
-loves tree climbing