


2 years, 4 months ago


Sexuality: Lesbian

Gender: Nonbinary

Height: 6'3 in [190.5cm]

They have the title of Hrægammur, the Vulture. This means they tend to the dead, no matter if the corpse is old or fresh. They whisper to the cold flesh, giving them a new name of Everything.

Válur's personality is hard to understand, for they value their privacy and rarely talk. While striking fear with their mysterious aura, they are a reliable person. They know how intimidating they are, but Válur takes advantage of this to be alone as they prefer to be in solitude. They use this solitude as a means of protection since they believe that everyone they love will die because of them. Despite all this, they have been slowly opening up to others, in an attempt to break the cycle of losing people they love. Válur finds an unlikely connection with Octavio, who is the opposite of them. Where Válur is calculative, Octavio is reckless. Where Válur attacks from afar, only getting close to make the finishing hit, Octavio will always close the distance as fast as possible. You'd think because of this, they have a hard time as a team, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. They both thrive on the thrill of battle, a race to see who gets to run along the line between life and death the longest. 

I will add more details but here are some important points

  • Very strong, muscles aren't very defined [yet still noticeable]

Coolant scarring

  • Face: comes from mostly their nose and mouth, but still around most of their face. Trails down to their collarbone.
  • Hands: from the tip of their fingers to 1/4 of their arm [half of the forearm]
  • Blueish tint


  • Matching sun and moon on the back of their hands. The right hand has a sun and the left hand has a moon.
  • Bust of Artur [the raven] facing right, located on their right shoulder outwards
  • The Helm of Awe, located on their left shoulder outwards. To induce fear, protect the warrior, and prevail in battle.
  • Skelkunarstafur/Óttastafur, located under their right breast. To make your enemies afraid.
  • Medium-sized raven skull, with black and sharp wings. Located on their back.