#088 Dal's Comments

This fella’s such a cutie! I would love for the opportunity to give him a home! So here’s a little bit of info I thought of for him! Thank you so much for the opportunity in advance! :D

Dal ! Goes by He/It

Dal is quite the mysterious lad. Never uttering a word. Then again it doesn’t seem like he could, considering his mouth seems to be missing. This often makes it harder for others to read his emotions, and they can be quite intimidated when you first meet him. On the contrary, he is actually quite friendly. So he now wears a hat that has the smiley emoji and a scarf to hide the fact that he has no mouth as to not scare off any newcomers. He wants to be approachable, rather than be seen as some kind of monster.

Are you still interested in adopting 

Oh yes, hello! Sorry for the late reply! And I’m still interested in adopting the fella! ^^

They've been pending for a bit please accept soon ^^